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Bacterial aortic valvular endocarditis associated with subaortic stenosis
Authors:L. Roth
Affiliation:Department of Pathology, Angell Memorial Animal Hospital, 350 South Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 01230–4884, USA
Abstract:The clinical and pathological findings in four young adult rottweiler dogs with subaortic stenosis and secondary bacterial endocarditis of the aortic valve are described. The four dogs, two males and two females, ranged in age from 18 months to three years. Three had three- to four-week histories of lethargy, anorexia, weight loss and intermittent coughing that progressively worsened. Bacterial aortic valvular endocarditis was diagnosed on the basis of physical examination and radiographic and ultrasound findings. Subaortic stenosis was not suspected clinically, but was found at necropsy. The fourth dog was known to have a subaortic stenotic ring at six months of age and developed clinical signs similar to the other dogs four weeks before euthanasia. Bacterial aortic valvular endocarditis and a subaortic stenotic ring were found at necropsy. It is suspected that the turbulence in blood flow caused by the stenotic rings damages the endocardium of the aortic valve, predisposing to the development of endocarditis.
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