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引用本文:周大庆,米紫昊,茅媛婷. 基于欧拉固液两相流模型的泵站进水侧流场三维模拟[J]. 农业机械学报, 2013, 44(1): 48-52
作者姓名:周大庆  米紫昊  茅媛婷
作者单位:1. 河海大学能源与电气学院,南京,211100
2. 中国水电顾问集团成都勘测设计研究院,成都,610072
摘    要:针对泵站过水建筑物中出现大量的泥沙淤积和不良流态,基于欧拉固液两相流模型对大型泵站进水侧流场进行三维CFD数值模拟.数值模拟结果表明,泵站原始的布置方案会引起低速区、漩涡以及回流等不良的进水流态,会导致在泵站前池出现泥沙淤积的现象.为了改善泵站进水流态和减少前池的泥沙淤积,对泵站分水堰形状进行修改并在引渠段加设整流底坎.数值模拟结果显示,通过对泵站原始布置方案的修改,消除了前池内的回流,漩涡的范围也有所减小,泥沙淤积的现象得到了较大的改善,水流中的泥沙体积分数平均减少了13%.

关 键 词:泵站  进水侧流场  泥沙淤积  欧拉两相流模型  三维模拟

3-D Numerical Simulation of Inlet Structure Flow in Pumping Station Based on Eulerian Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow Model
Zhou Daqing,Mi Zihao and Mao Yuanting. 3-D Numerical Simulation of Inlet Structure Flow in Pumping Station Based on Eulerian Solid-liquid Two-phase Flow Model[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2013, 44(1): 48-52
Authors:Zhou Daqing  Mi Zihao  Mao Yuanting
Affiliation:Hohai University;Hohai University;Hydroelectric Investigation and Design Institute, SPC
Abstract:Sediment deposition in the pumping station has a huge negative impact on unit operation. 3-D CFD method was used to simulate pumping station inlet structure flow based on Eulerian solid-liquid two-phase flow model. Numerical results of preliminary scheme show that sediment deposition occurs in the forebay of pumping station because of poor flow pattern therein. In order to improve hydraulic configuration in the forebay, one modified measure was reconstructing water diversion weir shape, and another measure was setting a water retaining sill in the approach channel. The simulation results of modified scheme prove that back flow in the forebay was eliminated and sediment deposition region was also reduced greatly.
Keywords:Pumping station  Inlet structure flow  Sediment deposition  Eulerian two-phase flow model  3-D simulation
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