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引用本文:胡新波何鑫朱岩江志胡红卫. 四种笼养灵长类动物冬季保温和行为学研究初探?[J]. 野生动物, 2014, 0(1): 45-49
摘    要:冬季保温手段作为动物园常规动物管理手段广泛运用于饲养实践中,然而对于判断需要保暖的动物、保暖的适宜温度和保暖的起止时间往往依靠经验和对野生物种的野外环境需求的粗略了解,造成保暖工作不够科学,导致能源的浪费、安全隐患等多种问题。本次研究以杭州动物园冬季保暖的4种灵长动物为研究对象;即黑白疣猴、赤猴、山魈、白颊长臂猿,于2012年11月24日至2013年3月4日,每天统计动物在保暖箱中的比率(室内率)和当天室内外温度。通过对室内和室外温度的相关性分析发现,采用油汀保暖使室内温度相对提高,和室外温度呈一定的相关关系,:并且其效率与摆放位置有关。4种灵长类的室内活动比率与室外环境温度均呈现显著的负相关关系(P=0.000,N=99)。通过线性回归方程得到室内率与室外温度的线性数量关系,从而推算在室内率50%的标准下,适宜开启保暖设施的温度为日均温8.5℃。4种灵长类的保暖设施开启建议的先后顺序依次是:黑白疣猴、赤猴、山魈、白颊长臂猿。

关 键 词:冬季保暖  灵长类  室内率

The Relationship Between Temperature- control and Behaviors of Four Species of Captive Primates in Winter
Affiliation:Hu Xinbo He Xin Zhu Yan Jiang Zhi* (Hangzhou Zoo, Hangzhou, 310008, Hu Hongwe China)
Abstract:Temperature -control is widely: used as a conventional method of zoo management. In some instances the target species is not correctly specified or the range of suitable temperatures or the duration of control is not correct because managers can only rely on experience and rough un- derstanding of the wild species. This can result in waste of energy, increased security risk and other issues. This study focused on four species of primates(black and white colobus monkey Co/- obus guereza, patas monkey Erythrocebus patas, mandrill ( Manddllus sphinx), and white - cheeked gibbon( Hy/obates leucogenys). We recorded the daily proportion of animals in the warm box ( indoor ratio) and the indoor and outdoor temperatures from 24 November 2012 to 4 March 2013.The indoor temperature increased when using an oil heater, and was related to the outdoor tempera- ture. The efficiency of heating was related to placement of the oil heater. The indoor ratio was sig- nificantly and negatively correlated with outdoor temperature for all four species ( P = 0. 000, N = 99 ). We calculated the suitable daily average temperature at 8, 5C, at which the indoor ratio was 50% and heating devices should be activated, by using the linear equation between indoor ratio and out- door temperature. The proper order to activate the thermal facilities for these four species of prima- tes was: black and white colobus monkey, patas monkey, mandrill and white- cheeked gibbon.
Keywords:Temperature - control  Primate  Indoor ratio  Captive rearing
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