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引用本文:梁玉,房用,王月海,刘月良. 黄河三角洲湿地不同植被恢复类型对植被多样性的影响[J]. 东北林业大学学报, 2008, 36(9)
作者姓名:梁玉  房用  王月海  刘月良
作者单位:1. 山东省林业科学研究院,济南,250014
2. 山东黄河三角洲国家级自然保护区管理局
摘    要:
在黄河三角洲湿地试验区内选取了杨树(Populus)—白蜡(Fraxinus chinensis)混交林、白蜡林和杨树林3种不同的植被恢复模式,并在每个模式样地中设置样方,测量其林下草本物种的多样性,调查植被的种类、盖度等,以比较林下物种的组成结构,寻求湿地生物多样性及群落演替规律。结果表明,3种不同恢复模式的物种多样性指数与丰富度指数分别为1.80、0.83,1.42、0.79,1.38、0.71,大小顺序为:杨树—白蜡混交林>白蜡林>杨树林。而且发现,林下物种的生活性多为多年生草本,表明林下物种的结构正趋向复杂。

关 键 词:黄河三角洲  造林模式  生物多样性

Difference in Species Diversity of Different Vegetation Restoration Types in Huanghe River Delta
Liang Yu,Fang Yong,Wang Yuehai,Liu Yueliang. Difference in Species Diversity of Different Vegetation Restoration Types in Huanghe River Delta[J]. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 2008, 36(9)
Authors:Liang Yu  Fang Yong  Wang Yuehai  Liu Yueliang
Three different vegetation restoration patterns (Populus sp. and Fraxinus chinensis mixed forest, Fraxinus chinensis forest, Populus sp. forest) were selected to measure herb species diversity and investigate vegetation species and coverage by setting quadrats in every sample plot in order to compare the species composition under tree canopies and to study the biodiversity and population succession in Huanghe River Delta. Result showed that the biodiversity and richness of the three vegetation restoration patterns were 1.80 and 0.83, 1.42 and 0.79, 1.38 and 0.71, respectively, exhibiting Populus sp. and Fraxinus chinensis mixed forest>Fraxinus chinensis forest>Populus sp. forest. The perennial herbs play an important role in the life form of the species under tree canopies, indicating that the structure of the species under tree canopies is becoming more complex.
Keywords:Huanghe river delta  Forestation patterns  Biodiversities
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