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引用本文:冯森,颜尤明. 福建省海洋捕捞渔船现状的分析[J]. 福建水产, 2001, 0(4)
作者姓名:冯森  颜尤明
作者单位:福建省水产研究所,福建省水产研究所 福建 厦门 361012,福建 厦门 361012
摘    要:据普查,福建省现有各类海洋捕捞渔船32556艘,平均功率45.9kW。其中拖网渔船4425艘,占总功率的53.3%,产量占总海捕量的42.3%,受燃油涨价和资源衰退影响,许多拖网船亏本经营、全省现登记在册的定置网渔船有7389艘,定置渔船的大型化、钢质化,并向外拓展已成潮流。全省围网船376艘。全省现有渔船总数太多,捕捞结构不合理已成主要问题,减船转产势在必行。

关 键 词:福建  海洋捕捞  渔船  现状

An Analysis On The Status Of Marine Fishing Boats Of Fujian Province
FENG Sen YAN You-Ming. An Analysis On The Status Of Marine Fishing Boats Of Fujian Province[J]. Journal of Fujian Fisheries, 2001, 0(4)
Authors:FENG Sen YAN You-Ming
Abstract:Investigation shows that there is total number of 32556 varied marine fishing boats nowadays in Fujian Province and the average power is 45.89kW, among which the number of trawlers has reached 4425. Their power accounts for 53.3% of the total power and their catches account for 42.3% of the total catch. Most of them were deficit in their fishing business operations due to continuous raise of the fuel price and the decrease of the fishery resource. There is total number of 7389 trap-net fishing boats registered in Fujian. They are becoming more large-scale. More and more boat structure was made of steel. And they have showed the ability and the tendency of operating towards off-sea. There is total number of 376 purse seine fishing boats in Fujian. Now there are too much fishing boats in Fujian province and the structure of their number is not rational. Controlling the fishing capacity and reducing the number of boats will be a tendency.
Keywords:Fujian Province  marine fishing  fishing boats  status
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