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引用本文:徐洪海 丁立孝 赵忠银 刘志奇 李丰富 冯太美. 炸片专用马铃薯高产品种引进筛选与性状比较试验研究[J]. 农学学报, 2012, 2(4): 1-4
作者姓名:徐洪海 丁立孝 赵忠银 刘志奇 李丰富 冯太美
作者单位:1. 山东省胶南市农业广播电视学校,山东胶南,266400
2. 日照职业技术学院,山东日照,276826
3. 滕州市农业科学研究所,山东滕州,277500
4. 山东省胶南市胶河经济区农业服务中心,山东胶南,266421
摘    要:为了生产符合炸片加工对薯块块茎品质的特殊要求的炸片专用优质马铃薯品种,采用品种筛选与性状比较的方法,研究多种马铃薯品种的炸片品质。结果表明‘大西洋’品种具有较好的加工特性和丰产性,但是抗病性与抗逆性较弱;‘夏波蒂’、‘东农305’、LK99等品种综合品质仅次于‘大西洋’品种。从块茎外观、品质、炸片质量、丰产性、抗病性、生育期等性状综合评价,‘大西洋’品种仍然是炸片马铃薯的当家品种,更适合于马铃薯加工。

关 键 词:新疆棉花  新疆棉花  环境保护计划  生态水供给项目  土地荒漠化治理项目  土壤改良项目  病虫草害生态防治项目  

The Study of Introducing and Screening and Comparing the Characters of High Yield Varieties Chips Special Potato

The quality of different kinds of fried special potato were studied by screening and comparing characters, intended to product high yield and high quality potato variety that comply with special requirements for chip machining on potato tuber. The result showed that the ‘Atlantic’ had higher yield and batter processing properties, but lower stress and disease resistance. The integrated quality of potato varieties ‘Shepody’, ‘Dongnong305’ and LK99 is second to the ‘Atlantic’. Take all factors, tuber, quality, yield, disease resistance, and procreating time, into consideration, and compared with others, the ‘Atlantic’ suit for processing better.

Keywords:Chips Special Potato  Screening Varieties  Quality  Well Yield  Strong Disease Resistance  Maturity Moderate
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