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引用本文:罗传文,石福孙,高利. 帽儿山的潜在沟系分析及其应用[J]. 东北林业大学学报, 2002, 30(6): 50-53
作者姓名:罗传文  石福孙  高利
基金项目:国家“十五”攻关课题 (2 0 0 1BA5 10B -0 7-0 2 )
摘    要:定义了潜在沟系的概念,并将帽儿山的潜在沟系分为平行沟、陡坡显沟和平坦沼泽三种类型。同时应用ARCVIEW GIS的空间分析系统对帽儿山的潜在沟系进行了计算,结果发现:帽儿山的潜在沟系与现有沟系图非常相似,而潜在沟系比现有沟系图更细致地刻画了帽儿山的沟系特征。

关 键 词:潜在沟系  帽儿山  空间分析  DEM

Maoershan''''s Potential Systema Canale Analyst and Its Utility
Luo Chuanwen,Shi Fusun,Gao Li. Maoershan''''s Potential Systema Canale Analyst and Its Utility[J]. Journal of Northeast Forestry University, 2002, 30(6): 50-53
Authors:Luo Chuanwen  Shi Fusun  Gao Li
Abstract:The concept of potential systema canale is defined and potential systema canale is computed with ARCVIEW GIS spatial analyst. It is found that the potential systema canale is very similar to the existing systema canale map. But the potential systema canale can score the Maoershan's canale characteristic more particularity than the existing canale map. Maoershan's canale is separated to three types, parallel canale, obvious abrupt slope canale and flat area on the potential systema canale.
Keywords:Potential systema canale  Maoershan  Spatial analyst  DEM
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