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引用本文:段爱民,刘国胜,焦定量,张艳宁. 西瓜抗病品种选育[J]. 天津农业科学, 2002, 8(2): 21-23
作者姓名:段爱民  刘国胜  焦定量  张艳宁
摘    要:利用我国优质轻抗枯萎病材料为母本,与美国高抗枯萎病丰产材料为父本选配而成抗病“黑旋风”品种,全生育期100天左右,雌花开花到成熟需32天,果实椭圆,黑皮红瓤少子,肉质细脆,口感好,平均单果重6kg以上,最大可达30kg。中心糖12%以上。产量高于3500kg/667m2以上,耐贮运,植株生长旺盛,易坐果,高抗枯萎病,产量及抗病性均超过对照品种,可重茬1~2年种植或缩短轮作年限3~5年,是目前较理想的西瓜新品种。

关 键 词:西瓜  抗病性  选育

Resistant Watermelon Variety " Heixuanfeng" Breeding
Abstract:Resistant watermelon variety“Heixuanfeng”is crossed between high quality light resistance line as mother and high resistance high yield line as father,the whole growth period is 100 days.It needs 32 days from flowering to ripping,ellipse type,fine textured with few seeds,high flavor.The average fruit weight is more than 6 kg,the biggest one is 30 kg,the heart sugar is above 12%,52 500 kg/hm2 high fruit setting,high wilt resistance.The yield and resistance higher than the control can be repeat planted for 1~2 years or intercultivated for 3~5 years.
Keywords:watermelon  resistance  breeding
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