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引用本文:黄彬,徐玉娟 唐道邦 刘忠义 吴继军 余元善. 微波处理对盐水鸡肉品质的影响[J]. 广东农业科学, 2014, 41(1): 98-102
作者姓名:黄彬  徐玉娟 唐道邦 刘忠义 吴继军 余元善
作者单位:1.广东省农科院蚕业与农产品加工研究所广东广州510610 2.湘潭大学化工学院湖南湘潭411105
摘    要:探讨微波处理对冷冻盐水鸡肉品质的影响以鸡胸肉加工的冷冻盐水鸡肉为原料进行微波功率微波时间鸡肉厚度的3 因素3 水平解冻热处理的正交试验结果表明微波处理对冷冻盐水鸡肉品质有明显影响对鸡肉硬度的影响极显著,对水分含量食盐含量耐咀性的影响显著对硫代巴比妥酸值微波损失弹性、粘聚性的影响不显著,通过正交直观分析和方差分析得出冷冻盐水鸡肉食用前微波加热处理的最佳工艺为院微波功率700W微波时间3 min,鸡肉厚度1 cm。

关 键 词:微波;盐水鸡肉;质构;品质

Effect on the quality of salted chickenwith microwave treatment
Abstract:To study the effect of microwave treatment on the quality of frozen salted chicken, the processed frozen saltedchicken breasts were selected as raw material. 3-factors-3-levels orthogonal tests of microwave power, microwave time andchicken thickness were carried out to select the optimal thawing craft parameters. Results showed that microwave treatment hadsignificant influence on the quality of frozen salted chicken. Microwave heat treatment had very significant influence on thehardness and significant influence on the moisture content, salt content and chewiness. There was no significant effect observed onthe TBARS, microwave loss, springiness and viscidity of salted chick. The orthogonal analysis and variance analysis was utilizedto obtain the optimal microwave treatment parameters for the quality of frozen salted chicken: microwave power 700 W, irradiationtime 3 min and chicken thickness 1 cm.
Keywords:microwave   salted chicken   texture   quality
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