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Radiographic diagnosis and surgical management of fragmented medial coronoid process in dogs
Authors:W B Henry
The diagnosis of fragmented (ununited) medial coronoid process was made in 21 dogs, with 10 dogs having bilateral lesions. Ten of these dogs were presented to surgery. The diagnosis of fragmented medial coronoid process was made in young and middle-aged large- and giant-breed dogs with a history of intermittent or persistent lameness. Diagnosis was based on history as well as results of clinical examination and radiographic study of both elbows. Concomitant elbow lesions seen with fragmented medial coronoid processes were ununited anconeal process and osteochondritis dissecans of the medial humeral condyle. Avulsion of the medial epicondyle and posteromedial supracondylar ridge of the humerus were thought not to have occurred in these cases. Instead, dystrophic ossification of the synovial membrane and periosteal proliferation on the medial epicondyle and posteromedial supracondylar ridge had taken place. It was concluded that, with a questionable radiographic diagnosis of fragmented medial coronoid process, exploratory arthrotomy may be necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Without surgery, the eventual outcome of fragmented coronoid process is degenerative joint disease. Even with degenerative joint disease, however, clinical improvement was seen following removal of the fragment of the medial coronoid process.
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