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引用本文:李亚贞,郑伟,肖国滨,肖小军,黄天宝,吴艳,吕伟生,刘小三,陈明,赖诗盛,叶川. 赣中北“油稻稻”三熟制下头季稻叶片衰老频度对再生稻再生力的影响[J]. 中国稻米, 2017, 0(4): 50-55. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2017.04.009
作者姓名:李亚贞  郑伟  肖国滨  肖小军  黄天宝  吴艳  吕伟生  刘小三  陈明  赖诗盛  叶川
作者单位:1. 江西省红壤研究所/江西省红壤耕地保育重点实验室/农业部江西耕地保育科学观测试验站,南昌,331717;2. 赣州市章贡区粮食流通服务中心,江西赣州,341000
摘    要:为研究三熟制条件下适合种植的再生稻品种及头季叶片衰老频度对再生力特性的影响,在大田试验条件下,以10个杂交水稻品种为材料,比较分析了这些品种的再生力、再生季产量及头季衰老强度等若干性状。结果表明,头季不同品种结实率与再生季再生力呈正相关关系,相关系数为0.620,头季千粒重、叶干质量下降率、叶绿素含量下降率、产量与再生季再生力呈负相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.522、-0.516、-0.637、-0.676。再生季有效穗数与再生力呈显著正相关关系,与活芽率呈负相关,相关系数分别为0.757和-0.615。头季结实率、叶片叶绿素含量、产量,以及再生季有效穗数和千粒重是影响再生力的重要因素。综合两季产量和再生力特性来看,深两优5814、C两优608、准两优608、丰两优香1号等4个品种可以作为再生稻在江西中北部的三熟制条件下种植。

关 键 词:水稻  三熟制  再生稻  叶片衰老频度  再生力  产量

Effects of Leaf Senescence Frequentness of Main Rice on Ratoon Ability of Ratooning Rice
LI Yazhen,ZHENG Wei,XIAO Guobin,XIAO Xiaojun,HUANG Tianbao,WU Yan,LV Weisheng,LIU Xiaosan,CHEN Ming,LAI Shisheng,YE Chuan. Effects of Leaf Senescence Frequentness of Main Rice on Ratoon Ability of Ratooning Rice[J]. China Rice, 2017, 0(4): 50-55. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2017.04.009
Authors:LI Yazhen  ZHENG Wei  XIAO Guobin  XIAO Xiaojun  HUANG Tianbao  WU Yan  LV Weisheng  LIU Xiaosan  CHEN Ming  LAI Shisheng  YE Chuan
Abstract:In order to study the effects of leaf senescence frequentness of main rice on ratooning ability of ratoon rice in rape-rice-rice triple-cropping systems, in the north central region of Jiangxi Province, a field experiment was carried out to compare the ratooning a-bility, ratooning yield and leaf senescence of the main rice of 10 hybrid rice varieties. The results showed that the seed setting rate of the main rice and the ratooning ability of ratoon rice was positive correlation (R2 was 0.620), 1000-grain weight, decline percentage with leaves dry weight, decline percentage with chlorophyll, yield of the main rice and ratooning ability were negative correlation(R2 was -0.522, -0.516, -0.637 and -0.676, respectively). The number of effective panicles of ratoon rice and ratooning ability was sig-nificant positive correlation(R2 was 0.757), the number of effective panicles of ratoon rice and living bud rate was negative correlation (R2 was -0.615). The Seed setting rate, chlorophyll and the yield of main rice, and the effective panicles and 1000-grain weight of ratoon rice were important factors affecting the ratooning ability. Therefore, Shengliangyou 5814, C liangyou 608, Zhunliangyou 608, Fengliangyouxiang 1 could be planted as ratoon rice in triple-cropping systems, in the north central region of Jiangxi Province.
Keywords:rice  triple cropping  ratoon rice  leaf senescence frequentness  ratooning ability  yield
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