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引用本文:杨文雄,王世红,袁俊秀,刘效华,杨芳萍,虎梦霞,王佐伟. 春小麦新品种陇春26号选育报告[J]. 甘肃农业科技, 2010, 0(4): 3-4
作者姓名:杨文雄  王世红  袁俊秀  刘效华  杨芳萍  虎梦霞  王佐伟
作者单位:1. 甘肃省农业科学院小麦研究所,甘肃,兰州,730070
2. 甘肃省农业科学院黄羊试验场,甘肃,武威,733000
摘    要:
春小麦新品种陇春26号是以永3263为母本,以高原448为父本杂交再用高原448回交选育而成,区域试验折合平均产量8 256.15 kg/hm2,较对照宁春4号增产4.11%,生产试验折合平均产量8 219.1 kg/hm2,比对照宁春4号增产14.07%,籽粒含粗蛋白13.09%,湿面筋26.4%,Zeleny沉降值35.0 mL,千粒重48 g,中熟,高产,抗倒伏,抗干旱、高温和干热风能力强,适宜河西灌区及沿黄灌区推广种植。

关 键 词:春小麦  新品种  陇春26  选育

Breeding Report of A New Spring Wheat Variety Longchun 26
YANG Wen-xiong,WANG Shi-hong,YUAN Jun-xiu,LIU Xiao-hua,YANG Fang-ping,HU Meng-xia,WANG Zuo-wei. Breeding Report of A New Spring Wheat Variety Longchun 26[J]. Gansu Agricultural Science and Technology, 2010, 0(4): 3-4
Authors:YANG Wen-xiong  WANG Shi-hong  YUAN Jun-xiu  LIU Xiao-hua  YANG Fang-ping  HU Meng-xia  WANG Zuo-wei
Affiliation:1. Institute of wheat, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China; 2. Huangyang Proving Ground, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou Gansu 730070, China)
Longchun 26 was a new spring wheat variety bred by crossing with the parental combination of Yong 3263/Gaoyuan 448//Gaoyuan 448. The average yield of Longchun 26 was 8256.15 kg/hm2 and 4.11% higher than of the check Ningchun 4 in regional test, the average yield was 8 219.1 kg/hm2 and 14.07% higher than of the check Ningchun 4 in proction test. The results showed that the grain contains crude protein 13.09%, wet gluten 26.4%, settlement value 35.0 mL, thousand grain weight 48 g. The variety is middling maturity, high yield, tolerant to drought and high tempreture conditions, lodging resistance, wide adapt ability. It was suitable to plant in irrigation districts of Hexi and Along Yellow River.
Keywords:Spring wheat  New variety  Longchun 26  Breeding
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