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A new freeze-dried living virus vaccine against sheep-pox
Authors:Pierre Pr  causta, Ferenc Kato,Georges Vellut

* IFFA-Mérieux, Laboratoire de Microbiologie Vétérinaire, 254, rue Marcel Mérieux, 69007, Lyon, France

Institut Mérieux, Service de Sérothérapie Alba, 07400 Le Teil d'Ardèche, France

Abstract:A sheep-pox virus strain has been adapted and multiplied in primary lamb kidney cell cultures. The main characteristics of the strain have been verified in vitro after clones were isolated, and the results confirmed its identity. The safety and the potency of the strain have been investigated in sheep.

The inoculation of the strain to sheep was followed by a post-vaccinal reaction materialised by a nodule at the site of inoculation and an increase of temperature by about 1°C. No reactions adversely affecting pregnancy have been noted. Immunisation was demonstrated by an increase in the level of neutralising serous antibodies and protection against the pathogenic virus. The immunity tended to decrease during the second year after primovaccination and a yearly booster vaccination appeared to be necessary. Primovaccination of lambs over 2 months of age produced a better immunity, especially when the lambs were born from vaccinated ewes.

This strain forms the active principle of a freeze-dried vaccine containing no adjuvant of the immunity.

Keywords:Sheep-pox virus   freeze-dried living vaccine   cell culture   lambs   pregnant ewes   safety   neutralising serous antibodies   persistence of the immunityAuthor Keywords: Virus de la clavelée   vaccin vivant lyophilisé   culture cellulaire   agneaux   brebis gestante   innocuité   anticorps sériques neutralisants   durée d'immunité
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