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引用本文:薛香,梁云娟,杨忠强,郜庆炉. 小麦蛋白质性状的遗传及配合力分析[J]. 湖北农业科学, 2009, 48(6)
作者姓名:薛香  梁云娟  杨忠强  郜庆炉
摘    要:选用9个小麦品种,按不完全双列杂交设计,配制了20个组合,对小麦蛋白质性状遗传组成及配合力进行了研究.结果表明,蛋白质、沉降值、湿面筋的遗传以加性效应为主,非加性效应为辅:干面筋主要受非加性显性效应影响,同时也受到一定加性效应的影响.不同亲本不同组合的GCA和SCA差异较大,在优质小麦育种中应根据不同育种目标选配杂交组合.

关 键 词:小麦  蛋白质性状  遗传  配合力

Analysis on Heredity and Combining Ability of Protein Traits in Wheat
XUE Xiang,LIANG Yun-juan,YANG Zhong-qiang,GAO Qing-lu. Analysis on Heredity and Combining Ability of Protein Traits in Wheat[J]. Hubei Agricultural Sciences, 2009, 48(6)
Authors:XUE Xiang  LIANG Yun-juan  YANG Zhong-qiang  GAO Qing-lu
Affiliation:1.Henan Institute of Science and Technology;Xinxiang 453003;Henan;China;2.Isotope Institute;Henan Academy of Sciences;Zhengzhou 450052;China
Abstract:Heredity and combining ability of wheat protein traits were studied by using incomplete diallel crossing design with 20 combinations from 9 wheat parents.The results indicated that heredity of protein,sedimentation value,wet gluten con-tent in wheat was controlled primarily by additive effect with auxiliary non-additive effect,and dry gluten content mainly by non-additive dominant effect with additive effect in some degree.Cross combinations should be selected according to the breeding aim of wheat because ...
Keywords:wheat  protein trait  heredity  combining ability  
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