4个主栽椰子品种叶片热值季节性变化研究 |
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引用本文: | 牛聪,杨伟波,唐龙祥. 4个主栽椰子品种叶片热值季节性变化研究[J]. 热带作物学报, 2012, 32(6): 11-14 |
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作者姓名: | 牛聪 杨伟波 唐龙祥 |
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作者单位: | 1 海南大学农学院 海南海口 571700; 2 中国热带农业科学院椰子研究所 海南文昌 571339;2 中国热带农业科学院椰子研究所 海南文昌 571339;3 海南省热带油料作物生物学重点实验室 海南文昌 571339;2 中国热带农业科学院椰子研究所 海南文昌 571339;3 海南省热带油料作物生物学重点实验室 海南文昌 571339 |
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摘 要: | 热值能够反映植物组织的生命活动、生长状况差异以及各种环境因子对植物生长的影响,通过对海高、红矮、黄矮、香水椰子4个主栽椰子品种的叶片干质量热值进行测定,发现4个品种叶片干质量热值的变化趋势是基本一致的,在夏季的9月份达到最高,秋季的11月份最低,进入冬季后又有所回升。从年平均干质量热值来看,黄矮品种高于其他3个品种,与海高、红矮品种存在显著性差异。通过与厦门地区8种棕榈科植物叶片干质量热值相比较,椰子的平均干质量热值普遍低于灌木类棕榈,高于乔木类棕榈假槟榔,低于董棕和大王棕,这也符合高热值的灌木类棕榈比低热值的乔木类棕榈更耐寒的规律。
关 键 词: | 椰子 干质量热值 季节性变化 |
Seasonal Changes of Gross Caloric Value in the Leaves of Four Coconut Varieties |
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Abstract: | Calorific value which can reflect the growth status and the environmental effects of plant. The gross caloric value in the leaves of four coconut varieties (Hainan Tall, Red Dwarf, Yellow Dwarf and Aromatic Green Dwarf) were measured, and they had the similar changing trend of the GCV. The GCV reached the highest point in September and the lowest point in November. However, the GCV had a small increase in winter. Comparing the annual average of GCV, Yellow Dwarf had a significant difference with Hainan Tall and Red Dwarf. And GCV of coconuts is lower than four shrubby Palmas the Arengaengleri, Chamaedoreaelegans, Rhapisexcelsa and Phonenix roebelenii, but higher than Archontophoenix alexandrae. |
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Keywords: | Gross caloric value coconut seasonal changes |
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