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引用本文:许端祥,高山,林碧英,傅睿清. 11个瓠瓜品种主要农艺性状的相关与通径分析[J]. 热带作物学报, 2012, 33(2): 211-214
作者姓名:许端祥  高山  林碧英  傅睿清
摘    要:对11个瓠瓜品种的14个农艺性状进行相关与通径分析。结果表明,小区前期产量与雌花开花期、子房柱宽为极显著相关,相关系数依次为-0.83、0.73;小区产量与单瓜重、小区采瓜数、小区前期产量为显著相关,相关系数依次为0.76、0.85、0.65;通径与回归分析的结果表明,子房柱形指数对前期产量形成的贡献最大,直接作用系数为1.401 5,单瓜重对产量形成的贡献最大,直接作用系数为0.789 0。因此,在瓠瓜早熟性育种实践中,应注重选择雌花期早、子房粗短、瓜形比较短的类型;在丰产性育种实践中,应着重选择单瓜重、结瓜数多的类型。

关 键 词:瓠瓜  农艺性状  相关分析  通径分析

Correlation and Path Analysis on Main Agronomic Characters in 11 Bottle Gourd
XU Duanxiang,GAO Shan,LIN Biying and FU Ruiqing. Correlation and Path Analysis on Main Agronomic Characters in 11 Bottle Gourd[J]. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2012, 33(2): 211-214
Authors:XU Duanxiang  GAO Shan  LIN Biying  FU Ruiqing
Affiliation:Fuzhou Institute of Vegetable Crops;Fuzhou Institute of Vegetable Crops;Fuzhou Institute of Vegetable Crops;Fuzhou Institute of Vegetable Crops
Abstract:The correlation and path analysis of 14 characters were studied with 11 accessions of bottle gourd. The results of correlation analysis revealed that female flower period, width of ovary column significantly correlated with the early yield with correlation coefficient -0.83 and 0.73 respectively. Single fruit weight, number of fruiting, the early yield significantly correlated with the yield with correlation coefficient 0.76, 0.85 and 0.65, respectively. Path analysis and regression analysis showed that the early yield was mostly affected by the index of ovary cylindrical with direct effect coefficient 1.401 5. The yield was mostly affected by single fruit weight with direct effect coefficient 0.789 0. Therefore, the characters of early stage female flowers, ovary stubby and type of short fruit-shaped would be emphodically selected in the early yield of breeding, while the characters of single fruit weight and more fruit number per plant would be emphodically selected in high yield breeding.
Keywords:Bottle gourd   Agronomic characters   Correlation analysis   Path analysis
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