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引用本文:张学余,苏一军,韩威,李国辉,屠云洁. 利用微卫星标记对地方鸡种群体遗传结构的聚类分析[J]. 兽医大学学报, 2012, 0(10): 1572-1575
作者姓名:张学余  苏一军  韩威  李国辉  屠云洁
基金项目:国家“863”计划资助项目(2011AA100305); 浙江省科技平台资助项目(2011E60003)
摘    要:利用29个微卫星标记,通过计算亚群体杂合度(Hs)、总群体杂合度(Ht)、遗传分化系数(Gst)和基因流(Nm),并基于Reynolds遗传距离、Nei遗传距离运用NJ和UPGMA聚类法构建4类聚类图,比较分析国家地方禽种遗传资源基因库保存的7个地方鸡品种(仙居鸡、鹿苑鸡、固始鸡、大骨鸡、河南斗鸡、狼山鸡、萧山鸡)间的遗传分化和亲缘关系。结果表明,7个地方鸡种29个微卫星座位的总群体杂合度、亚群体杂合度的平均值为0.642,0.551;平均遗传分化系数为0.142。7个地方鸡品种间,萧山鸡与鹿苑鸡的基因流动最大,为5.832 7;狼山鸡与固始鸡的基因流动最小,为0.805 3;基于Reyonalds遗传距离运用NJ聚类法获得的7个鸡种间的亲缘关系聚类图较为准确地反映了7个地方鸡种间的遗传分化和亲缘关系。

关 键 词:地方鸡种  微卫星  遗传分化  亲缘关系

Clustering analysis of population genetic constitution of local fowl breeds by microsatellite markers
ZHANG Xue-yu,SU Yi-jun,HAN Wei,LI Guo-hui,TU Yun-jie. Clustering analysis of population genetic constitution of local fowl breeds by microsatellite markers[J]. , 2012, 0(10): 1572-1575
Authors:ZHANG Xue-yu  SU Yi-jun  HAN Wei  LI Guo-hui  TU Yun-jie
Affiliation:(Institute of Poultry Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Yangzhou,Jiangsu 225003,China)
Abstract:The average gene diversity(Hs) within population,the total gene diversity(Ht),the coefficient of genetic differentiation(Gst),and gene flow(Nm) of 7 chicken breeds including Xianju chicken(XJ),Luyuan chicken(LY),Gushi chicken(GS),Dagu chicken(DG),Henan game chicken(HG),Langshan chicken(LS),Xiaoshan chicken(XS) conserved in state GenBank of China poultry breeding were measured using 29 microsatellite markers.On the basis of Reynolds'genetic distances and Nei's genetic distances,4 dendograms of clustering were constructed for the 7 chicken breeds by using neighbor joining(NJ) method and(UPGMA) method.The results showed that the average Ht,Hs and Gst were 0.642,0.551 and 0.142 respectively.The highest Nm was 5.832 7 between Xiaoshan chicken and Luyuan chicken,and the lowest was 0.805 3 between Langshan chicken and Gushi chicken.The dendogram on the basis of Reynolds'genetic distances and using neighbor joining(NJ) method correctly indicated the phylogenetic relationships among the 7 chicken breeds.
Keywords:local fowl breeds  microsatellite  genetic differentiation  phylogenetic relationship
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