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The sensitivity of PCR and serology in different Theileria parva epidemiological situations in Rwanda
Authors:Bazarusanga Thomas  Geysen Dirk  Vercruysse Jozef  Marcotty Tanguy

aRwanda Animal Resources Development Authority (RARDA), BP 804, Kigali, Rwanda

bInstitute of Tropical Medicine, Department of Animal Health, Nationalestraat 155, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium

cGhent University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Salisburylaan 133, B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium

Abstract:Theileria parva is the causative agent of a lethal tick-borne disease of cattle occurring in eastern, central and southern Africa. Variations in the sensitivity of the serological and molecular tests with seasonal vector occurrence and discrepancies between low PCR prevalence and high T. parva vector density are a setback to estimate true prevalences. Therefore, the objectives of the present studies were to evaluate (1) the sensitivity of three serological tests (IFAT, ELISA and SELISA) and one molecular test (PCR) in the diagnosis of chronic T. parva infections in four different agro-ecological zones of Rwanda and (2) the effect of tick challenge and animal's age on the sensitivity of PCR. Blood samples from 635 bovines were collected in four agro-ecological zones of Rwanda. All sera were screened using the IFAT, ELISA, SELISA and PCR. The binary results of the four diagnostic tests were introduced separately for each agro-ecological zone in a Bayesian model to estimate the prevalence of T. parva infections and the sensitivity of the four diagnostic tests. All test specificities were set to 100%. The estimated T. parva prevalence was much higher (83–85%) than estimations based on single diagnostic tests. The estimated sensitivity of serological tests was relatively constant and ranged from 57 to 75% in the various areas. The sensitivity of PCR showed more pronounced variations, ranging from 66% in the low T. parva transmission (high land) zones compared to 24% in the highly vector infested (low land) zones. Calves and adult cattle (n = 194) were also sampled in regularly and irregularly dipped herds in the low land region. The apparent T. parva prevalence detected by PCR was significantly higher in calves than in adult cattle and in herds regularly treated with acaricides, while no significant differences were found with IFAT. The conditional probability that a sample was positive at PCR while it was positive at IFAT was significantly lower in adults. The implication of these findings in the use of diagnostic assays for epidemiological studies is discussed.
Keywords:Theileria parva   Prevalence   Serology   PCR   Test sensitivity   Bayesian analysis
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