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引用本文:范拴喜, 崔佳茜, 李丹, 付林涛, 赫晓云, 闻杰. 不同改良措施对设施蔬菜土壤肥力和番茄品质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2021, 37(16): 58-64. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.16.008
作者姓名:范拴喜  崔佳茜  李丹  付林涛  赫晓云  闻杰
作者单位:1.宝鸡文理学院,地理与环境学院,宝鸡 721013;2.陕西省灾害监测与机理模拟重点实验室,宝鸡 721013;3.宝鸡市生态环境局凤县分局,宝鸡 721700;4.宝鸡市环保宣教信息中心,宝鸡 721004;5.陕西秦西农林开发有限责任公司,宝鸡 721600
摘    要:为探明不同改良措施对设施蔬菜土壤及番茄果实品质的影响,该研究以陕西省太白县秦西蔬菜种植示范园大棚为研究试点,选取草木灰、生物炭、EM菌(Effective Microorganisms)3种改良剂,设置了EM菌(E)、生物炭(S)、生物炭+EM菌(SE)、草木灰(C)、草木灰+生物炭(CS)、草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)和不施加任何改良剂的空白对照(CK)7个处理。结果表明:各处理均能改善土壤理化性质,其中草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理在提高土壤 pH 值、有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、速效磷、全钾及速效钾含量方面效果最显著,与CK处理相比,分别提高了23.06%、130.94%、44.34%、52.78%、67.72%、126.71%、16.24%、119.48%;与CK处理相比,各种配施改良剂处理的植株全氮含量显著高于单施改良剂处理,草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理最显著,提高了25.17%;各处理的植株全磷含量较 CK 处理均显著增加,草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理效果最明显,且草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理是CK处理的2.09倍;除EM菌(E)处理外,其他5个处理均能显著提高植株全钾含量,草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理效果最显著,且草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理是CK处理的1.44倍;但6个处理均对植株灰分无显著影响;与 CK 处理相比,草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理的糖酸比最高,达69.23%;与CK处理相比,各处理的土壤综合肥力指数均显著提高,而草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理效果最显著;通过对各处理的综合得分均值进行比较,草木灰+生物炭+EM菌(CSE)处理得分最高。综合分析得出,施加草木灰+生物炭+EM菌能有效改善太白县高山设施蔬菜种植土壤的酸化、肥力等,提高西红柿的品质。

关 键 词:设施  农业  土壤  改良  太白县

Effects of different improvement measures on soil fertility and the tomato quality of facilities vegetables
Fan Shuanxi, Cui Jiaxi, Li Dan, Fu Lintao, He Xiaoyun, Wen Jie. Effects of different improvement measures on soil fertility and the tomato quality of facilities vegetables[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2021, 37(16): 58-64. DOI: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2021.16.008
Authors:Fan Shuanxi  Cui Jiaxi  Li Dan  Fu Lintao  He Xiaoyun  Wen Jie
Affiliation:1.College of Geography and Environment Engineering, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, China;2.Shaanxi Province Key Laboratory of Disaster Monitoring and Mechanism Simulation, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences, Baoji 721013, China;3.Feng County Branch of Baoji Ecological Environment Bureau, Baoji 721700, China;4.Baoji Environmental Protection Publicity and Education Information Center, Baoji 721004, China;5.Shaanxi Qinxi agriculture and Forestry Development Co., Ltd, Baoji 721600, China
Abstract:Abstract: For the purpose of exploring the effect of various soil amelioration measures on the facility agriculture soil and the physical and chemical properties of tomato grown through facility agriculture and screen the most suitable amelioration method for the local degraded soils in facility agriculture. The greenhouse of Qinxi vegetable planting demonstration garden was chosen as the study site and soil from greenhouse and tomato were used as materials to implement this study. Three soil ameliorants, i.e. plant ash, biochar and EM fungi, were selected for this study, and various singular and combined application of the ameliorants were set up as treatments. In total, there were seven treatments, i.e. EM fungi treatment (E), biochar treatment (S), biochar + EM fungi treatment (SE), plant ash (C) treatment, plant ash + biochar treatment, plant ash + biochar + EM fungi treatment (CSE) and the control treatment (CK), in this study. The results indicated that all the treatments can improve the soil physical and chemical properties and among the seven treatments, and CSE treatment showed the most significant effect on soil properties in comparison with the CK treatment. Specifically, CSE treatment significantly increased soil pH, soil organic matter, soil total nitrogen, soil alkali nitrogen, soil total phosphorous, soil available phosphorous, soil total potassium and soil available potassium by 23.06%, 130.94%, 44.34%, 52.78%, 67.72%, 127.35%, 16.24% and 119.48%, respectively. In terms of the effect on tomato, in comparison with CK treatment, the combined application of ameliorants was much more significant than singular application in increasing total nitrogen of whole plant, and CSE treatment increased the most by 25.16%; regarding total phosphorous of tomato plant, the same effect was observed and the total phosphorous of CSE treatment was 2.09 folds higher than that of CK treatment. For total potassium of the tomato plant, except for E treatment, all the rest five ameliorant treatments can significantly increase the total potassium, and the total potassium of CSE treatment was 1.44 folds higher than that of CK treatments. The effect of ameliorant application on plant ash was little. However, the sugar/acid ratio of tomato increased significantly and CSE treatment increased the sugar/acid ratio by 69.3% in comparison with CK treatment. The application of soil ameliorants showed positive effect on soil fertility. The result of soil integrated fertility index of each treatment showed soil ameliorant increased the soil fertility in comparison with CK treatment, and again the CSE was observed with the best effect on improving soil fertility. When comparing the integrated score obtained by principal analysis, CSE treatment received the highest score in comparison with the rest treatments in this study. From the aforementioned results, and after a comprehensive analysis of the results, we can conclude that the simultaneous application of plant ash, biochar and EM fungi is able to effectively mitigate the soil acidification, improve the soil fertility and increase the tomato quality of alpine facility agriculture in Tai Bai County, Shaanxi. The simultaneous application of plant ash, biochar and EM fungi can be a promising method to mitigate the soil problems of facility agriculture. In order to screen an effective method for the remediation of degraded soil.
Keywords:facility   agriculture   soil   soil amelioration   taibai county
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