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引用本文:翁华,郭青云,魏有海,郭良芝,程亮. 几种除草剂对春麦田禾本科杂草的防除效果[J]. 河南农业科学, 2011, 40(4): 101-103
作者姓名:翁华  郭青云  魏有海  郭良芝  程亮
摘    要:
野燕麦、旱雀麦是青海春麦田主要的禾本科杂草,发生普遍,危害严重.为控制其危害,对目前开发出来的6种防除麦田禾本科杂草的除草剂进行了田间药效试验,结果表明:50g/L炔草酸·唑啉草脂EC 600mL/hm2、150g/L麦极WP 300g/hm、69g/L骠马EW 750mL/hm2对野燕麦的防效分别达到98.80%、9...

关 键 词:春小麦  杂草  除草剂  药效  安全性

Efficacies of Different Herbicides on Weeds in Spring Wheat Fields
WENG Hua,GUO Qing-yun,WEI You-hai,GUO Liang-zhi,CHENG Liang. Efficacies of Different Herbicides on Weeds in Spring Wheat Fields[J]. Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences, 2011, 40(4): 101-103
Authors:WENG Hua  GUO Qing-yun  WEI You-hai  GUO Liang-zhi  CHENG Liang
Affiliation:(Plant Protection Institute,Qinghai Academy of Agricultural and Foresty,Xining 810016,China)
Bromus tectorum L.and Avena fatua L.are the main weeds in Qinghai spring wheat fields,occurring generally and causing serious damage.In order to control them,6 herbicides developed currently for controlling gramineous weeds of wheat fields were selected in field experiment.The results showed that 600mL/ha of 50g/L Topik-pinoxaden EC,300g/ha of 150g/L Clodinafop-propargyl and 750mL/ha of 69g/L Puma super EW had over 90% efficacy on Avena fatua L.,and 7.5% Pyrosalam+cloquintocet WG had good effect on the Bromus tectorum L.,with 100% efficacy for plants and fresh quality.These herbicides were safe to wheat and wheat yield was increased significantly,therefore they were appropriate for large use in Qinghai spring wheat fields.
Keywords:Spring wheat  Weed  Herbicides  Efficacy  Safety
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