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引用本文:赵有为,曹碚生,薛林宝. 中国水生蔬菜作物品种资源分类的初步研究[J]. 扬州大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 1989, 0(3)
作者姓名:赵有为  曹碚生  薛林宝
作者单位:Dept.of Hort.,Jiangsu Agric.Coll.
摘    要:本文对中国水生蔬菜作物品种资源的历史和现状进行了概述。认为水生蔬菜植物多原产中国,栽培驯化的历史都在1000年以上.据不完全统计,中国现有水生蔬菜作物的地方品种已达300个以上,在植物学上分属于10科12属13种,主要分布在长江流域及其以南各省,北方也有一定的栽培面积。其数量之多、分布之广,在当今世界各国中均居首位。其中有些种如茭白、莼菜等,迄今仍然只有中国及其邻近少数国家栽培和利用。为了便于对水生蔬菜的品种资源进行系统研究和合理开发利用,谨对现有品种资源的分类,提出初步看法,根据现有品种资源的历史演化过程,结合产品利用器官、生态类型、栽培性状和经济性状等层次,进行综合分类。并列举几种主要水生蔬菜作物,提出综合分类的具体意见。

关 键 词:水生蔬菜    莲藕  茭白  品种分类

A Preliminary Study on Classification of Main Variety Resource of Aquatic Vegetables in China
Zhao Youwei Cao Peisheng XueLinbao. A Preliminary Study on Classification of Main Variety Resource of Aquatic Vegetables in China[J]. Journal of Yangzhou University(Agricultural and Life Science Edition), 1989, 0(3)
Authors:Zhao Youwei Cao Peisheng XueLinbao
Abstract:This paper introduces general aspccts of the history and prcsent condition of varicly resouree of Chincse aquatic vegetables.It is confirmed that most species of aquatic vcgetable plant were originated from China. Their histories of domestic cunivation are over 1000 years. ased on imcomplete statisties, there are over 300 local varietics of aquatic vegetable in China.They are belong to 10 families, l2 genera and 13 specics in bolany. They are distributed mainly over Yangtze River valley and some provinccs on the south of China. On the north of China, there are certain are as of cultivaion of them. So, their quantities and distributed region are the first in the world. Up to now, scvcral spccies of them, such as water bamboo and water shield are still only eultivated in China and her neighbour countyies. In order to study the varicty resource or Chinese aquatie vegctable systematically with facility and exploit it suitably, We propose our point of view on the classification of these varieties on this paper. According to the course of evolution and the histroy of domestic cultivation of the present varieties, integrating with their organs being used, ecotypes, cultivated characters and economic charaeters ete, we classincate them synthetically. We also choose there spccies of aquatic vegetablc to classify their local varieties, respcctively, as the examples.
Keywords:aquatic vegctablc  water caltrops  lotus  water bamboo  classification of spccies  
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