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引用本文:兰华雄. 采用病区和高海拔双重加压选择法选育水稻低温敏核不育系福龙S2[J]. 福建农业学报, 2009, 24(4): 296-303
摘    要:以开花习性良好、早熟、临界温度低的田丰S2作不育基因供体,与株叶形态好、迟熟、品质优、抗稻瘟病、耐寒性好、后期转色好,但开花习性较差的基本营养型中籼材料龙优2号杂交,采用病区抗性选择法+生态压力选择法+南北穿梭加代的育种方法,选育出两用核不育系福龙S2,于2006年11月通过福建省技术成果鉴定.该核不育系具有不育起点温度低(≤23.5℃)、不育性稳定、不育期长(>104 d)、基本营养型、熟期适中、中抗稻瘟病、配合力好、异交结实率高、可繁性好等特点.用福龙S2配组的杂交稻新组合表现出生育期适中、产量高、中抗稻瘟病、品质优等特点,具有较广阔的应用前景.

关 键 词:水稻  低温敏  核不育系  福龙S2  选育

Breeding of low-temperature sensitive genic male sterile Fulong S2 by means of blast resistance and high-altitude ecological pressure selection
LAN Hua-xiong. Breeding of low-temperature sensitive genic male sterile Fulong S2 by means of blast resistance and high-altitude ecological pressure selection[J]. Fujian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2009, 24(4): 296-303
Authors:LAN Hua-xiong
Affiliation:LAN Hua-xiong(Longyan Institute of Agricultural Science,Longyan,Fujian 364000,China)
Abstract:The newly bred Fulong S2,a low-temperature sensitive genic male sterile line rice,was developed by crossing Tianfeng S2 with Longyou-2 and by combined selection of blast resistance in blast area,eco-stress for stable sterility and shuttle breeding.Tianfeng S2(used as TGMS gene donor) has characteristics of early mature,good flowering and low-temperature sensitive genic male sterility.Longyou-2 is of high quality,good plant type,late mature,blast resistance and cold tolerance.The new breed was appraised by F...
Keywords:rice  low-temperature sensitive genic male sterile  Fulong S2  breeding  
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