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引用本文:白军红,余国营,张玉霞. 向海沼泽湿地土壤特征及可持续利用[J]. 农业现代化研究, 2001, 22(3): 146-149
作者姓名:白军红  余国营  张玉霞
基金项目:湖沼三期项目!“松嫩平原霍林河流域沼泽资源环境动态效应与优化管理 (ZKHZ— 0 3— 0 6 )”,中国科学院知识创新项目!“松嫩平原内陆盐
摘    要:基于对向海沼津湿地土壤形成条件和主要成土过程的研究,将其沼泽土壤划分为4个亚类型,并分别描述了各自的分布规律和剖面特征。在向海沼泽湿地土壤盐渍化、沙化、退化问题日益严重的大前提下提出了可持续开发利用对策。

关 键 词:沼泽土壤特征  可持续利用  向海沼泽湿地

Characteristics of Mire Soils and Its Sustainable Utilization in Xianghai Mire Wetland.
BA Junhong,YU Guoying,Zhang Yuxia. Characteristics of Mire Soils and Its Sustainable Utilization in Xianghai Mire Wetland.[J]. Research of Agricultural Modernization, 2001, 22(3): 146-149
Authors:BA Junhong  YU Guoying  Zhang Yuxia
Abstract:On the basis of the study about the conditions and process of formation of mire soils in Xianghai mire wetland, this paper classifies the soil into four soil subtypes, and describes their main characters such as distribution laws, profile features etc. respectively. In addition, it also puts forward such ways of sustainable exploitation and utilization to solve such problems as salinization, desertification and catagenesis etc..
Keywords:characters of mire soils  sustainable utilization  Xianghai mire wetland
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