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引用本文:张永丽,于振文. 灌水量对小麦氮素吸收、分配、利用及产量与品质的影响[J]. 作物学报, 2008, 34(5): 870-878. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00870
作者姓名:张永丽  于振文
作者单位:山东农业大学 / 农业部小麦栽培生理与遗传改良重点开放实验室, 山东泰安 271018
基金项目:农业部农业结构调整技术研究专项基金 , 国家自然科学基金 , 山东农业大学校科研和教改项目
摘    要:
以济麦20和泰山23为试验材料, 在大田条件下研究了灌水量对小麦氮素吸收、分配、利用和籽粒产量与品质及耗水量、水分利用率的影响。2004—2005年生长季, 小麦生育期间降水量为196.10 mm, 两品种的氮素吸收效率、籽粒的氮素积累量和氮肥生产效率均为不灌水处理低于灌水处理, 但籽粒氮素分配比例和氮素利用效率表现为不灌水处理高于灌水处理。拔节期前, 两品种的氮素吸收强度灌水180 mm处理高于灌水240 mm和300 mm两处理, 拔节期后反之; 成熟期, 植株氮素积累量和氮素吸收效率在各灌水处理间无显著差异。济麦20籽粒的氮素积累量和分配比例、氮素利用效率和氮肥生产效率, 均以灌水240 mm处理高于灌水180 mm和300 mm处理; 灌水180 mm和240 mm处理的籽粒产量分别达8 701.23 kg hm-2和9 159.30 kg hm-2, 耗水量为469.29 mm和534.48 mm, 两处理间籽粒品质无显著差异, 且均优于灌水300 mm处理。泰山23籽粒中氮素积累量及分配比例、氮素利用效率、氮肥生产效率和籽粒品质, 在各灌水处理间无显著差异; 灌水180 mm和240 mm处理籽粒产量显著高于其他处理, 分别达9 682.65 kg hm-2和9 698.55 kg hm-2, 其耗水量分别为468.54 mm和532.35 mm。两品种的水分利用率均随灌水量增加而降低。在2006—2007年生长季, 小麦生育期间降水量为171.30 mm, 济麦20和泰山23均以灌水240 mm处理的籽粒产量和水分利用率最高, 其耗水量分别为490.88 mm和474.88 mm。综合考虑产量、品质、氮素利用效率、氮肥生产效率和水分利用率, 生产中济麦20生育期灌水量以180~240 mm为宜; 泰山23在降水量达196 mm条件下, 灌水量以180 mm为宜, 在降水量为170 mm条件下, 灌水量以240 mm为宜。

关 键 词:灌水量  小麦  氮素吸收、分配和利用  耗水量和水分利用率  籽粒产量与品质  

Effects of Irrigation Amount on Nitrogen Uptake, Distribution, Use, and Grain Yield and Quality in Wheat
ZHANG Yong-Li,YU Zhen-Wen. Effects of Irrigation Amount on Nitrogen Uptake, Distribution, Use, and Grain Yield and Quality in Wheat[J]. Acta Agronomica Sinica, 2008, 34(5): 870-878. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00870
Authors:ZHANG Yong-Li  YU Zhen-Wen
Affiliation:Key Laboratory of Wheat Cultivation Physiology and Genetic Improvement, Ministry of Agriculture / Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, Shandong, China
Irrigation is one of the most important measures to regulate plant nitrogen metabolism in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). However, excessive irrigation will cause the decline of nitrogen use efficiency and water use efficiency instead of higher yield and better quality. To determine the effects of irrigation amount on the uptake, distribution, use efficiency of nitrogen, the consumption and use efficiency of water as well as grain yield and quality, we experimented with wheat cultivars, Jimai 20 and Taishan 23 in 2004–2005 (in clay-soil field) and 2006–2007 (in sandy-soil field) wheat growth seasons. In the 2004–2005 growth season in which total rainfall was 196.10 mm, the irrigation treatments were 0 (no irrigation), 180 mm (irrigated 3 times at pre-sowing, jointing, and anthesis stages), 240 mm (irrigated 4 times at pre-sowing, pre-wintering, jointing, and anthesis stages), and 300 mm (irrigated 5 times at pre-sowing, pre-wintering, jointing, anthesis, and grain filling stages), respectively. In the 2006–2007 growth season in which total rainfall was 171.30 mm, the irrigation treatments were 0 (no irrigation), 120 mm (irrigated 2 times at pre-sowing and jointing stages), 180 mm (irrigated 3 times at pre-sowing, jointing, and anthesis stages), and 240 mm (irrigated 4 times at pre-sowing, pre-wintering, jointing, and anthesis stages), respectively. The amount of irrigation was 60 mm each time in both growth seasons. The two cultivars showed similar results in both growth seasons. In the 2004–2005 growth season, nitrogen uptake efficiency and nitrogen accumulation in grain in no irrigation treatment were lower than those in irrigation treatments, and resulted in lower grain yield and nitrogen fertilizer productive efficiency, but the nitrogen distribution proportion in grain at maturity and nitrogen use efficiency were higher in no irrigation treatment. Water use efficiency of two cultivars decreased with the increase of irrigation amount. Before jointing stage, the nitrogen uptake intensity in the treatment of irrigation with 180 mm water was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that of the other two irrigation treatments, but turned converse after jointing stage. The accumulation amount and uptake efficiency of nitrogen in plant had no significant differences among the 3 irrigation treatments at maturity. In Jimai 20, the irrigation treatment with water amount of 240 mm showed more favorable for nitrogen accumulation and distribution in grain, and the nitrogen fertilizer productive efficiency and use efficiency, grain yield (9 159.30 kg ha-1) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than the other 2 irrigation treatments. But for integrated consideration of nitrogen uptake and accumulation, grain yield and quality, as well as water consumption and use efficiency, the treatment of irrigated 180 mm water was also recommended. In Taishan 23, the nitrogen accumulation amount and distribution proportion in grain at maturity, nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen fertilizer productive efficiency, and grain quality had no significant difference among the 3 irrigation treatments, indicating that the cultivar was not as sensitive to irrigations as Jimai 20; but the higher grain yields of 9 682.65 and 9 698.55 kg ha-1 (with water consumptions of 468.54 and 532.35 mm accordingly) were obtained under irrigated treatments with water amounts of 180 and 240 mm, respectively. In the 2006–2007 growth season, the highest grain yields (6 651.23 and 6 942.49 kg ha-1) of Jimai 20 and Taishan 23 were obtained under the 240 mm irrigation with water consumptions of 490.88 and 474.88 mm, respectively. Our results implied that proper irrigation can increase grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency, and water use efficiency, and improve grain quality; higher grain yield is not resulted from higher amount of irrigation and water consumption. We suggest the following water regimes of Jimai 20 and Taishan 23 in wheat production: irrigating 3 or 4 times at pre-sowing, pre-wintering, jointing, and anthesis stages with water amount of 180–240 mm, and the irrigation at pre-wintering can be ignored based on rainfall and soil water content.
Keywords:Irrigation amount  Wheat  Nitrogen uptake  distribution and use  Water consumption amount and water use efficiency  Grain yield and quality
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