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引用本文:郑元利,杨再学. 余庆县针毛鼠种群数量和繁殖特征变化[J]. 亚热带农业研究, 2014, 0(1): 56-59
作者姓名:郑元利  杨再学
作者单位:[1]贵州省余庆县植保植检站,贵州余庆564400 [2]遵义市农业科学研究所,贵州遵义563102
摘    要:对贵州省余庆县1989-2013年针毛鼠的形态特征及其种群数量和繁殖特征进行统计分析,结果表明:针毛鼠为当地常见鼠种之一,主要栖息于旱地耕作区,占捕获总鼠数的2.76%,平均捕获率为0.15%。雌、雄鼠形态特征无显著差异。研究期间旱地耕作区共捕获针毛鼠80只,种群性比为0.95,平均怀孕率为28.21%,平均胎仔数为4.91只,平均睾丸下降率为73.17%,平均繁殖指数为0.68。一年中在2月、7月和11月出现3个种群数量高峰,平均捕获率为0.21%、0.26%、0.20%,秋季和夏季种群数量明显高于春季和冬季。夏季和秋季为该鼠的主要繁殖季节。

关 键 词:针毛鼠  形态特征  种群数量  种群繁殖

Change of population quantity and reproductive characteristics of Niviventer fulvescens of Yuqing County
ZHENG Yuan-Li,YANG Zai-xue. Change of population quantity and reproductive characteristics of Niviventer fulvescens of Yuqing County[J]. Subtropical Agriculture Research, 2014, 0(1): 56-59
Authors:ZHENG Yuan-Li  YANG Zai-xue
Affiliation:1. Guizhou Yuqlng Plant Protection Station, Yuqing, Guizhou 564400, China; 2. Zunyi Agricultural Institute, Zunyi, Guizhou 563102, China)
Abstract:According to the statistical analysis of morphological characteristics, population quantity and reproduction characteristics of Niviventer fulvescens in Yuqing County, Guizhou Province from 1989 to 2013, the results showed that the N. fulvescens is one of the local common rodents, mainly perching in the dry fanning area, accounting for 2.76% of the total mtmber of rodents. The aver- age capture rate was 0.15%. There was no significant difference in morphological characteristics between female and male rodents. During the research period, 80 N. fidvescens were captured in dry farming area. The population sex ratio was O. 95. The average pregnancy rate was 28.21%, the average litter size was 4.91, the average testicular descent rate was 73.17%, and the average re- productive index was 0.68. The population quantity peaks appeared in February, July and November. The average capture rate was 0.21%, 0.26%, 0.20%, respectively. The population quantity in autumn and slimmer was significantly higher than that in spring and winter. Summer and autumn are the main reproductive seasons for N.fulvescens.
Keywords:Niviventerfulvescens  morphological characteristics  population quantity  population reproduction
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