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引用本文:王少先,彭克勤,萧浪涛,夏石头,童建华,王若仲. 水稻专用配方肥增效剂的应用及其作用机理研究[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2003, 9(3): 294-298. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2003.0308
作者姓名:王少先  彭克勤  萧浪涛  夏石头  童建华  王若仲
作者单位:1.湖南农业大学植物激素重点实验室 湖南长沙;410128
摘    要:以中稻培两优 93为材料 ,对配方肥增效剂的增产机理进行了研究。盆栽试验结果表明 ,配方肥增效剂能显著促进根系的生长 ,极显著提高根系体积、总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积 ,但对根系活力影响不大。增效剂对水稻植株下部叶片光合性能有一定影响 ,促进叶绿素含量增加、光合速率增大 ;还可提高处理水稻植株的气孔导度和蒸腾速率 ,改善养分在植物体内的运输条件 ,增加根系吸收养分的动力。配方肥增效剂能提高水稻植株的分蘖能力 ,增加干物质积累量。配方肥增效剂处理比配方肥处理增产约 8.6% ,减少化肥用量 10%和 20%。

关 键 词:配方肥   增效剂   水稻   机理

Study on application of synergist to rice special fertilizers and its mechanism
WANG Shao-xian,PENG Ke-qin,XIAO Lang-tao,XIA Shi-tou,TONG Jian-hua,WANG Ruo-zhong. Study on application of synergist to rice special fertilizers and its mechanism[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2003, 9(3): 294-298. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2003.0308
Authors:WANG Shao-xian  PENG Ke-qin  XIAO Lang-tao  XIA Shi-tou  TONG Jian-hua  WANG Ruo-zhong
Affiliation:1.Key Laboratory of Phytohormones;Hunan Agricu. Univ.;Changsha 410128;China
Abstract:Pot experiment was conducted to study the effect of special fertilizer combined synergist on yield of single rice and its mechanism. The results showed that rice special fertilizer combined with synergist promoted the growth of rice, and the total volume, total absorption area and active absorption area of rice root system significantly increased. Synergist could improve photosynthetic characteristics of lower leaves, enhance the content of chlorophyll and photosynthetic rate of rice; and the conductance to H2O and transpiration rate, inner condition of nutrient transportation and absorption power of rice root system were improved. Synergist could also increase tiller capability and dry weight accumulation of rice. The synergist treatment increased yield of rice by 8.6% than the treatment without synergist and reduced fertilizer rate by 10% and 20%.
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