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The potential of alley cropping in improvement of cultivation systems in the high rainfall areas of Zambia I. Chitemene and Fundikila
Authors:R. B. Matthews  S. T. Holden  J. Volk  S. Lungu
Affiliation:(1) Soil Productivity Research Programme, Misamfu Regional Research Station, P.O. Box 410055, Kasama, Zambia;(2) Present address: Department of Economics and Social Science, Agricultural University of Norway, P.O. Box 33, 1432 Ås-NLH, Norway
Abstract:Three trials investigating the potential of alley cropping to improve the traditional systems of cultivation, chitemene and fundikila, in the Northern Province of Zambia are described. Flemingia congesta, Tephrosia vogelii, and Sesbania sesban, were grown in association with finger millet, groundnut, cowpea, and maize in various traditional cropping sequences. The indigenous species Tephrosia vogelii and Sesbania sesban were not able to withstand repeated pruning and the long following dry season, and were replaced with Calliandra calothyrsus, and Cassia spectabilis.Over a four year period, there was no benefit by alley cropping with any of the tree species on crop yields, and yields in alley crop treatments even dropped significantly below the control treatments in the fourth year, casting doubt on the potential of alley cropping for sustainable production. There was also no consistent effect on soil chemical characteristics in any of the trials. It was suggested that this lack of beneficial response to alley cropping was due to low tree biomass production low quality of prunings, and an inappropriate cropping sequence. There was no evidence that alley cropping contributed to enhanced nutrient recycling, despite substantial localised pools of soil nutrients, particularly in the chitemene, with which recycling could potentially occur.
Keywords:alley cropping  shifting cultivation  chitemene  fundikila  soil fertility  sustainability  Flemingia congesta  Cassia spectabilis  Calliandra calothyrsus  Tephrosia vogelii  Sesbania sesban
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