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引用本文:郑明学,韩克光,古少鹏,高建光,史喜菊. 雏鸡感染柔嫩艾美耳球虫后脂质过氧化物的变化[J]. 中国兽医学报, 2002, 22(3): 236-237
作者姓名:郑明学  韩克光  古少鹏  高建光  史喜菊
基金项目:山西省青年基金项目 ( 9710 32)
摘    要:
为了探讨柔嫩艾美耳球虫 (E.tenella)对感染雏鸡的损伤机制 ,本试验给 10日龄海兰白公雏鸡口服柔嫩艾美耳球虫孢子化卵囊 8× 10 4个 /只 ,在感染后 2、4、6、7、9、12、16和 2 1d分别各取 5只雏鸡剖检 ,取盲肠并采血 ,观察盲肠病理组织学变化 ,测定盲肠组织及血清中的丙二醛 (MDA )、超氧化物歧化酶 (SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶 (GSH- Px)的水平。结果表明 ,雏鸡在感染 E.tenella后 2~ 4d,盲肠开始出现损伤 ,同时 SOD和 GSH- Px活性也开始下降 ;感染后 4~ 7d,盲肠粘膜上皮和肠腺上皮细胞大量变性、坏死崩解 ,发生严重损伤时 ,盲肠及血清中 MDA含量显著增加 ,并持续到 9d,同时 SOD和 GSH- Px活性也显著下降 ;感染 9d后 ,损伤的盲肠组织及 MDA、SOD和 GSH- Px水平逐渐恢复 ,至 2 1d基本达到正常

关 键 词:柔嫩艾美耳球虫  脂质过氧化物  雏鸡

Change of Lipid Peroxides in the Chickens Infected with Eimeria tenella
ZHENG Ming-xue,HAN Ke-guang,GU Shao-peng,GAO Jian-guang,SHI Xi-ju. Change of Lipid Peroxides in the Chickens Infected with Eimeria tenella[J]. Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2002, 22(3): 236-237
Authors:ZHENG Ming-xue  HAN Ke-guang  GU Shao-peng  GAO Jian-guang  SHI Xi-ju
To further probe into the mechanism of damnification in chicken coccidiosis, 10-day chickens were inoculated with sporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella. Pathological changes in caeca and level of MDA?SOD?GSH-Px were respectively observed and determined 2,4,6,7,9,12,16,21 day post infection of E. tenella. The results showed: When caeca was barely injured, the activity of SOD and GSH-Px began to descend. The content of MDA increased significantly on the 4 th-7 th day postinoculation with a great deal of epithelia in caecal mucosa and gland to be in degeneration, necrosis and collapse and continued to the 9 th day. Meanwhile the activity of SOD and GSH-Px descended significantly. After the 9th postinoculation, injured caecal and the level of MDA?SOD?GSH-Px gradually began to come back. They basically came back on the 21 st day after inoculation.
Keywords:Eimeria tenella  lipid peroxide  chicken
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