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Stem respiration is influenced by pruning and girdling in Pinus sylvestris

Stem respiration was measured in the growing season (June to July) and in the dormant season (October) to detect cambial activity induced by pruning live branches or girdling stems in Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in northern Sweden. Immediately after the treatments, the treatment:control ratio of stem respiration increased to between 1.38 and 1.44 in the pruning treatment and between 1.17 and 1.20 in the girdling treatment. The treatment:control ratio of stem respiration then decreased by the end of July, to 0.65 in the pruning treatment and 0.55 in the girdling treatment. In October, the treatment:control ratios were higher: between 0.87 and 0.97 in the pruning treatment and between 0.85 and 0.97 in the girdling treatment. In both pruning and girdling treatments, the time trends of stem respiration rates largely followed those of stem temperatures: the stem respiration rate increased exponentially with an increase in stem temperature. The Q 10 values were 2.83–4.05 and 2.57–2.89 in the pruning treatment and control, and 2.10–2.60 and 1.99–3.19 in the girdling treatment and control, respectively. In most cases, the values of Q 10 in both treatments did not differ significantly from those in the controls.
Keywords:Girdling  pruning  Q10  Scots pine  stem respiration
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