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Intraspecific hybridization in Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis I. Performance for growth and form traits
Authors:Amal J. Johnston  Mark J. Dieters  Heidi S. Dungey  Helen M. Wallace
Affiliation:(1) Queensland Forestry Research Institute, and Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Production Forestry, QFRI Locked Bag 16, Qld 4570, Australia;(2) Faculty of Science, University of the Sunshine Coast, Qld 4558, Australia
Abstract:Inter-provenance hybrids of Pinuscaribaea var. hondurensis wereprogeny tested in Queensland, Australia inorder to assess the feasibility ofincorporating some desirable traits intothe local breeding population, consistinglargely of a single upland provenanceMountain Pine Ridge (MPR). Data onphenotypic traits up to seven years fromplanting revealed that an inter-provenancehybrid, MPR × coastal had greater diameter,straightness and wind-firmness, and fewerramicorns than the MPR control provenance.The data were mostly consistent for twowidely separated sites, and also whenpooled across those sites (p <0.05). In addition, hybrid vigor for treevolume was apparent (p < 0.05).Trees of coastal × Guanaja Island, and purecoastal provenances were as large as thoseof the MPR provenance but had fewerramicorns. Even though the coastal ×Guanaja provenance seemed to produce treesthat were more crooked than the MPRprovenance, there was evidence at leastwithin one site to suggest that the hybridtrees were superior in terms ofwind-firmness (p < 0.01). Breedingfor hybrid vigor and pedigree selection ofthe priority hybrid, MPR × coastal aresuggested as future measures. Pureprovenance populations of coastal andGuanaja island are to be bred as sublinesto the MPR breeding population for futureuse in inter-provenance hybridization andfor gene conservation.
Keywords:hybrid vigor  intraspecific hybridization  Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis  tree breeding
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