Abstract: | 1.?Eggs from a meat-type breeder flock (Ross) were used in two trials to study the effects of in ovo administration of L-carnitine (carnitine) on hatchability traits (hatchability percentage, embryo deaths, pipped with live or dead embryo), chick weight at hatch as an absolute value (CWT) or expressed as a percentage of egg weight (CWT%), hatching period, glycogen status (liver and pectoral muscle) and plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) of hatched chicks were investigated. There were 9 treatments with three replicates of each. Treatments were non-injected control (negative control), or injection with sterilised saline (0?9%, positive control), or sterilised saline with carnitine at 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 µg/egg. 2.?In ovo carnitine treatment increased CWT, CWT%, glycogen in the liver and pectoral muscle, glycogen index and plasma IGF-1 of hatched chicks, and did not influence hatchability traits and hatching period. The glycogen index of hatched chicks of the in ovo carnitine treatments with values (500 > 400 = 300 > 200) was higher than that of the control and in ovo carnitine at 25, 50, and 100 µg/egg treatments. The nature of response to carnitine was cubic for CWT and CWT%, and linear for glycogen in the liver and pectoral muscle, glycogen index of hatched chicks when the negative control or positive control treatment was used as base line. 3.?It was concluded that in ovo administration of carnitine at 25–500 µg/egg increased chick weight at hatch and IGF-1, and did not influence hatchability traits and hatching period of eggs. The linear relationship between in ovo administration of carnitine and glycogen status of hatched chicks indicated that increasing in ovo doses improved glycogen status of hatched chicks. |