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引用本文:罗国衡,杨永灯,吴玉秀. 天柱县烟稻两熟晚稻不同地点不同栽插期适应性研究[J]. 耕作与栽培, 2016, 0(3). DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1008-2239.2016.03.010
作者姓名:罗国衡  杨永灯  吴玉秀
摘    要:
为了进一步探索完善天柱县烟稻两熟种植模式,2014年天柱县农业局开展了烟稻两熟晚稻不同地点不同栽插期的适应性研究。结果表明,在2014年的特殊气象条件下,试验中的两个地点、3个栽插期获得了一定的收益,单产最高可达517.7 kg/667m2,纯收益636.1元/667m2,投入产出比为1:1.90;单产最低为298.5 kg/667m2,纯收益66.0元/667m2,投入产出比为1:1.09。综合两个试验点可知,7月22日栽插比7月26日栽插增产7%左右,7月26日栽插比7月30日栽插增产10%左右,增产显著;因此烟稻两熟模式中,晚稻的栽插期应控制在7月30日前,且一定程度上栽插越早效益越高。

关 键 词:烟稻两熟  不同栽插期  不同地点  产量

The Adaptability Study of Different Cultivation Period and Different Location of Tobacco-rice Pattern in Tianzhu County
In order to further explore and improve the tobacco-rice cropping pattern,Tianzhu Bureau of Agriculture carry out the a-daptability study of tobacco-rice in different locations and different planting period in 2014. The results showed that,under special weather conditions,the two sites and three of planting in the experiment can still get some benefits,the highest yields is 517. 7 kg/667m2 ,income is 636. 1 yuan/667m2 ,input-output ratio is 1:1. 90. The lowest yields is 298. 5 kg/667m2 ,income is 66 yuan/667m2,input-output ratio is 1:1. 09. Comparing the yield of the two sites experiment,planting on July 22th is increase about 7%than planting on July 26,planting on July 26 is increase about 10% than planting on July 30. Therefore in the pattern of tobacco-rice,rice planting period should be controlled before July 30,and the earlier of planting,the higher of benefit.
Keywords:tobacco-rice pattern  different cultivation period  different location  yields
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