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引用本文:曹 霞,王 亮,冯 毅,徐红军,穆培源,张晓科,张影全. 新疆小麦品种春化和光周期主要基因的组成分析[J]. 麦类作物学报, 2010, 30(4): 601-606
作者姓名:曹 霞  王 亮  冯 毅  徐红军  穆培源  张晓科  张影全
作者单位:1. 西北农林科技大学农学院/国家小麦改良中心杨凌分中心,陕西杨凌,712100
2. 新疆农垦科学院作物研究所,新疆石河子,832000
摘    要:为了明确新疆冬春麦区小麦春化和光周期基因的分布特点,利用STS标记对185份品种(系)的重要春化基因Vrn-A1、Vrn-B1、Vrn-D1、Vrn-B3和光周期基因Ppd-D1位点的等位变异组成进行了检测和分析。结果表明,在新疆小麦品种中,春化和光周期基因位点显性等位变异分布频率不同。含有春化显性等位变异Vrn-A1的品种47个,占供试品种(系)的25.4%;Vrn-B1为43个,占23.3%;Vrn-D1为38个,占20.5%;Vrn-B3位点不存在显性等位变异。春化显性等位变异Vrn-A1、Vrn-B1和Vrn-D1在冬、春性小麦内的分布比例也不同。在春性小麦品种(系)中,显性等位变异Vrn-A1出现的频率较高(55.3%);其次为Vrn-B1,占50.6%;Vrn-D1占44.7%。在冬性小麦中,仅有显性等位变异Vrn-B1出现,占2.0%。在光周期基因Ppd-D1位点,80.0%的品种(系)携带光不敏感显性等位变异Ppd-D1a;其中在春性和冬性小麦品种(系)中,Ppd-D1a出现的频率分别为83.5%和77.0%。新疆小麦品种(系)中,存在11种春化和光周期基因显性等位变异组合。

关 键 词:新疆小麦品种  春化基因  光周期基因

Combination of Vernalization and Photoperiod Main Genes in Xinjiang Wheat
CAO Xi,WANG Liang,FENG Yi,XU Hong jun,MU Pei yuan,ZHANG Xiao ke,ZHANG Ying quan. Combination of Vernalization and Photoperiod Main Genes in Xinjiang Wheat[J]. Journal of Triticeae Crops, 2010, 30(4): 601-606
Authors:CAO Xi  WANG Liang  FENG Yi  XU Hong jun  MU Pei yuan  ZHANG Xiao ke  ZHANG Ying quan
Abstract:In order to determine the distribution of vernalization and photoperiod genes in Winter and Spring Wheat Region of Xinjiang, 185 cultivars (lines) were characterized with STS markers for the main genes of vernalization and photoperiod, Vrn A1, Vrn B1, Vrn D1, Vrn B3 and Ppd D1. The results showed that the frequencies of dominant alleles at main gene loci of vernalization and photoperiod were different in Xinjiang wheat. The average frequencies of dominant alleles at the four vernalization gene loci in Xinjiang wheat were 25.4% (Vrn A1), 23.3% (Vrn B1), 20.5% (Vrn D1) and 0% (Vrn B3), respectively. The distribution proportions of vernalization allelic variations were also different in different wheat cultivars. In the spring cultivars (lines), the frequency of dominant allele Vrn A1 was 55.3%, Vrn B1 was 50.6%, and Vrn D1 was 44.7%. Single dominant allele Vrn B1 (2.0%) only appeared in the winter cultivars (lines). In Xinjiang wheat, the frequency of dominant allele Ppd D1a which was the most insensitive to photoperiod was 80.0%. The frequency of the Ppd D1a was 83.5% and 77.0% in spring and winter cultivars (lines), respectively. There were 11 combinations of dominant alleles at gene loci of vernalization and photoperiod in the Xinjiang wheat cultivars (lines). This information will provide the basis for the selection of wide adaptability of wheat.
Keywords:Xinjiang wheat   Vernalization genes   Photoperiod genes
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