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引用本文:金珠群,陈仲华,黄一青,曹光第,许林英. 抗虫杂交棉慈抗杂3号若干生育与生理特性的杂种优势研究[J]. 棉花学报, 2004, 16(6): 347-351
作者姓名:金珠群  陈仲华  黄一青  曹光第  许林英
摘    要:慈抗杂3号与两亲本和泗棉3号、中棉所29的若干生育与生理特性的杂种优势的研究结果表明,慈抗杂3号单株现蕾数比两亲本平均高14.75%,比泗棉3号(CK1)和中棉所29(CK2)分别高34.01%和15.04%;结铃高峰期日增铃数比父、母本分别高18.03%和16.60%,比CK1高28.57%,与CK2无显著差异。现蕾期叶绿素含量慈抗杂3号略高于亲本及CK1,比CK2显著低10.14%;初花期、盛花期和始絮期均高于亲本和对照。盛花期开始慈抗杂3号保持较高水平的SOD与POD活性,使其清除O 2与H2O2的活性氧能力明显提高;与此同时MDA含量显著低于亲本和对照。从而保证了生育中后期旺盛的营养生长和生殖生长。

关 键 词:棉花  杂种优势  超氧物歧化酶  过氧化物酶  丙二醛(MDA)  叶绿素

Studies on Heterosis of Growth and Some Physiological Traits in Hybrid Bt-cotton Cikangza 3
JIN Zhu-qun,CHEN Zhong-hua,HUANG Yi-qing,CAO Guang-di,XU Lin-ying. Studies on Heterosis of Growth and Some Physiological Traits in Hybrid Bt-cotton Cikangza 3[J]. Cotton Science, 2004, 16(6): 347-351
Authors:JIN Zhu-qun  CHEN Zhong-hua  HUANG Yi-qing  CAO Guang-di  XU Lin-ying
Affiliation:JIN Zhu-qun~1,CHEN Zhong-hua~2,HUANG Yi-qing~1,CAO Guang-di~1,XU Lin-ying~1
Abstract:The characterization of growth, yield formation, and some physiological traits was compared among hybrid Bt-cotton Cikangza 3, its parents, hybrid CCRI 29,conventional cultivar Simian 3. The results showed that square number per plant of Cikangza 3 was 14.75%, (34.01%,) and 15.04% significantly higher than that of the mean of its parent and Simian 3 (CK_1) and CCRI 29 (CK_2). The daily increases in boll number per plant of Cikangza 3, during the peak of boll setting period, was 18.03%, 16.60%, and (28.57%) higher than that of its male and female parent, and Simian 3, but no significant difference with CCRI 29. In addition, chlorophyll content of functional leaves in Cikangza 3 was significantly higher than that of its parents, CK_1 and CK_2 during the beginning/full flowering and early boll-opening stages. Moreover, relatively higher SOD and POD activities of functional leaves during full flowering and boll-opening stages, while lower in MDA content, was observed in Cikangza 3, compared with its parent,CK_1,and CK_2, which was beneficial to increase the capability in eliminating O~-_2 and H_2O_2, and then to improve the vegetative and reproductive growth and the accumulation of assimilating for boll setting and fiber development of Cikangza 3.
Keywords:cotton  heterosis  SOD  POD  MDA  chlorophyll
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