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Water pillow irrigation compared to furrow irrigation for soybean production in a semi-arid area
Authors:Sinan Gerç  ek,Erkan Boydak,Murat Dikilita?
Affiliation:a Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Structures and Irrigation, 63040 ?anl?urfa, Turkey
b Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Field Crops, ?anl?urfa, Turkey
c Harran University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Protection, ?anl?urfa, Turkey
Abstract:Field studies were done in 2003 and 2006 to evaluate the performance of water pillow (WP) irrigation as an alternative to furrow irrigation (FI) for soybean growth in semi-arid climatic conditions. There were four irrigation treatments: two of which (FI and WP1.0) were full irrigation, in that the water deficit in the soil profile (0.9 m) was brought to field capacity in 10-day intervals. The other two treatments (WP0.75 and WP0.50) were deficit irrigation treatments, and received 75% and 50% of WP1.0 irrigation amount. The highest seed yield was achieved with the WP1.0 treatment. Irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and water use efficiency (WUE) were influenced significantly by the irrigation methods and levels (P ≤ 0.05). The highest values of WUE and IWUE were obtained by the WP0.75 and WP0.50 treatment, respectively, in both study years. However, the smallest irrigation amount resulted in lower total yield for the WP0.50 treatment, and is not recommended. In conclusion, the WP0.75 treatment is recommended for soybean production in order to attain higher values of IWUE and WUE, and to conserve water and maximize yield with the same volume of water.
Keywords:Water pillow irrigation method   Soybean   Water use efficiency
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