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引用本文:谢文明,韩大永,孟凡贵,宗亚玲. 蚯蚓对土壤中有机氯农药的生物富集作用研究[J]. 吉林农业大学学报, 2005, 27(4): 420-423,428
作者姓名:谢文明  韩大永  孟凡贵  宗亚玲
摘    要:在添加有机氯农药的土壤中培养蚯蚓,确定蚯蚓对土壤中有机氯农药的富集作用。利用索氏提取、佛罗里硅土柱净化、GCMSD检测,发现蚯蚓对所添加的有机氯农药的生物富集因子为1.4~3.8,对六六六和DDE的富集作用明显。研究显示蚯蚓可作为土壤中较低浓度的有机氯污染的一种优异的指示生物。

关 键 词:有机氯农药  蚯蚓  土壤  生物富集

Bioconcentration of Oganochlorine Pesticides from Soil of Earthworms
XIE Wen-ming,HAN Da-yong,MENG Fan-gui,ZONG Ya-ling. Bioconcentration of Oganochlorine Pesticides from Soil of Earthworms[J]. Journal of Jilin Agricultural University, 2005, 27(4): 420-423,428
Authors:XIE Wen-ming  HAN Da-yong  MENG Fan-gui  ZONG Ya-ling
Abstract:Earthworms were exposed to soil with organochlorine pesticide concentrations in an experiment for 14 days. A method for the determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in earthworm by gas chromatography-mass detector was developed. The sample was subject to soxhlet extraction and cleaned through florisil column. GCMSD was used to determine organochlorine pesticides in the sample with enough accuracy, sensitivity and RSD. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) ranges from 1.4 to 3.8 for DDE and HCHs added in soil. Earthworm is an excellent biomarker of organochlorine pesticides exposed in soil.
Keywords:organochlorine pesticides   earthworm   soil   bioconcentration
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