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引用本文:张红平,李利,向德,刘成建,李学伟. 四川7个地方山羊品种(类群)mtDNA遗传多样性研究[J]. 畜牧兽医学报, 2007, 38(12): 1300-1305
作者姓名:张红平  李利  向德  刘成建  李学伟
摘    要:
测定了四川7个地方山羊品种(类群)43个个体的mtDNA控制区全序列,结果表明:山羊mtDNA控制区全序列长度为1212bp或1213bp,A+T含量(59.9%)明显高于G+c含量(40.1%)。共检测到74个变异位点,序列均为中性突变,核苷酸多样度为1.686%,这些差异共定义了27种单倍型,单倍型多样度为0.966,遗传多样性较为丰富,品种(类群)间存在不同程度的遗传分化。7个地方山羊品种(类群)间的遗传距离变异范围为0.0017~0.0306。用MEGA软件的NJ法构建单倍型序列的系统发育无根树,结果表明四川地方山羊品种(类群)有两个母系来源,但是否就对应于角笋骨羊(Capra aegagrus)和捻角山羊(Capra falconeri)两个野生祖先,还有待于进一步研究。

关 键 词:山羊 mtDNA控制区 序列变异性 种群遗传结构 系统发育

Study on Mitochondrial DNA Genetic Polymorphism of Seven Indigenous Goat Breeds(Groups) in Sichuan
ZHANG Hong-ping,LI Li,XIANG De,LIU Cheng-jian,LI Xue-wei. Study on Mitochondrial DNA Genetic Polymorphism of Seven Indigenous Goat Breeds(Groups) in Sichuan[J]. Chinese Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2007, 38(12): 1300-1305
Authors:ZHANG Hong-ping  LI Li  XIANG De  LIU Cheng-jian  LI Xue-wei
Complete sequence of mitochondrial DNA(mtDNA) control region was sequenced in 43 individuals from 7 indigenous goat(Capra hircus)breeds(groups)in Sichuan province.The complete sequence of mtDNA control region was 1 212 or 1 213 base pair,and the content of A T(59.9%)was higher than that of G C(40.1%)significantly.74 sites were polymorphic and all of these sequences were neutral mutation.All sequence polymorphic sites defined 27 haplotypes.High nucleotide diversity(1.868%)and haplotype diversity(0.966) were manifested.These results suggested richer genetic diversity within Sichuan indigenous goat populations and genetic divergence among them.The Kimura 2-parameter distance among breeds(groups)varied from 0.001 7 to 0.030 6.Phylogenetic unrooted trees constructed with neighbour-joining methods showed two maternal origins in Sichuan indigenous goats.More detailed studies should be continued to indicate whether the two maternal origins are Capra aegagrus and Capra falconeri.
Keywords:Capra hircus   mitochondrial DNA control region   sequence variability   population genetic structure   phylogenetic
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