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引用本文:王有武,高山,张春燕,王翼川,韩俊,江卫. 长绒棉数量性状的配合力与遗传分析[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2009, 37(17)
作者姓名:王有武  高山  张春燕  王翼川  韩俊  江卫
摘    要:[目的]评价长绒棉数量性状的配合力和杂种优势。[方法]选用7份长绒棉材料为亲本,采用4×3不完全双列杂交配制了12个杂交组合,对组合及亲本10个数量性状的一般配合力及组合的特殊配合力效应进行分析。[结果]遗传力分析表明,10个性状的广义遗传力均大于43%,尤其是纤维长度的广义遗传力达到了72.28%,说明这些性状在很大程度上受遗传因素的影响;10个性状的狭义遗传力变化范围在5.6%~39.8%,变化范围较大,但是总体都不是很高,说明控制这些性状的基因以非加性效应为主。12个组合中没有1个组合在所有性状上的特殊配合力同时表现突出。[结论]组合及亲本一般配合力和特殊配合力方差达到了显著或极显著水平,证明亲本对杂种一代的效果是显著的。

关 键 词:长绒棉  数量性状  配合力  遗传分析

Combining Abilities of Quantitative Characters in Long-staple Cotton and Their Inheritance Analysis
Abstract:[Objective] The study aimed to evaluate the combining ability and heterosis of quantitative character in long-staple cotton.[Method] With 7 longstaple cotton materials as the parents,12 hybridized combinations were made by the method of incomplete diallel cross of 4×3 and the general combining ability of hybridized combinations and their parents on 10 quantitative characters and the effects of special combining ability of hybridized combinations were analyzed.[Result] The analysis of combining ability showed that the broad heritability of 10 characters were more than 43%,specially,the broad heritability of fiber length reached 72.28%,indicating that these characters were effected by genetic factors to great degree;the narrow heritability of 10 characters was in 5.6%-39.8%,their change range was greater,but it wasn't very high,indicating that the genes of these characters were non-additive effect mainly.Among 12 hybridized combinations,no any combinations showed outstanding on the special combining ability of all characters at the same time.[Conclusion] The variance of the general combining ability of hybridized combinations and their parents reached significant level and extremly significant level,proving that the parent effect on first generation of hybrid was significant.
Keywords:Long-staple cotton  Quantitative characters  Combining ability  Inheritance analysis
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