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引用本文:张慧敏,孙容芳,于同泉,孟欣,陈宇. 低温萃取法提取杏仁油的研究[J]. 农业工程学报, 2001, 17(1): 125-128
作者姓名:张慧敏  孙容芳  于同泉  孟欣  陈宇
基金项目:Financially supported by Beijing Educational Committee
摘    要:杏仁是油脂和蛋白质含量均高的原料,该研究旨在采用低温法萃取杏仁油,达到既萃取油又减少蛋白质变性程度的目的。首先经过一系列水酶法萃取试验后发现,不同萃取条件对于出油率的影响很大,从中筛选出水酶法萃取的最佳条件为:选取进口(日本Yakult公司)纤维素酶与木瓜蛋白酶的复合酶(1∶1),加酶量3%,作用时间3 h,料液比1∶2,反应温度40℃。初步油质检验表明, 水酶法比浸出法制得的毛油更清亮,酸价略低,磷脂少,油质稳定。然后进行CO2为溶媒的超临界流体萃取试验,通过7因素2水平正交试验并对其结果进行单指标直观分析发现:浸泡时间短的仁用杏出油率较高;粒度越小,出油率越高;以1∶1搀和二氧化硅粉与仁用杏的出油率较1.5∶1的为高;20 MPa压力的出油率较8 MPa的略高等,在此基础上筛选出了最适工艺路线。对上述结果进行了6因素无交互作用方差分析,结果表明仅有浸泡时间对出油率的影响是显著的,浸泡的时间越短出油率越高,其余条件对出油率的影响并不显著,按其影响程度从大到小依次为粒度、二氧化硅与杏仁比例、压力、杏仁种类、流速,这与直观分析极差所示结果一致。最后液相色谱法测定显示萃取出的仁用杏油中90%以上的脂肪酸为不饱和脂肪酸。

关 键 词:杏仁油  超临界二氧化碳萃取  正交试验  水酶法  油质

Extracting Apricot Kernel Oil With Low Temperature Methods
Zhang Huimin,Sun Rongfang,Yu Tongquan,Meng Xin and Chen Yu. Extracting Apricot Kernel Oil With Low Temperature Methods[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering, 2001, 17(1): 125-128
Authors:Zhang Huimin  Sun Rongfang  Yu Tongquan  Meng Xin  Chen Yu
Abstract:The study is aimed at making oil from apricot kernel with low temperature method s, namely, Aqueous Enzymatic Extraction(AEE) and Supercritical Fluid Extraction -carbon dioxide (SFE-CO2). Firstly, after a series of screening, the optimum variables for aqueous enzymatic extraction in this particular experiment were d etermined as follows: the combination of Papain and Yakult cellulase(1∶1), enz yme concentration 3%, reaction time 3h, reaction temperature 40℃, and dilution ratio 1∶2. The result of oil quality evaluation indicated that the oil sample made from aqueous enzymatic extraction had a clearer texture, lower acidity valu e and phosphorus level than that made from solvent extraction. Then, 27 orthog onal design was employed to screen the optimum processes to increase apricot ker n el oil-extracting rate by SFE-CO2. Yates' Algorithm analysis result indicate d that soaking apricot kernel for shorter time produced higher yield; the finer the kernel was crushed, the higher yield the oil was extracted; mixing SiO2 po wder with crushed kernel at the ratio of 1∶1 produced higher yield than that at the ratio of 1.5∶1, etc.. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) result indicated that t he only factor, which significantly contributed to the oil-extracting rate, was soaking time. At last HPLC test showed above 90% fatty acids of aprico t kernel oil samples for this study were unsaturated.
Keywords:apricot kernel oil  supercritical carbon dioxide fluid extraction  orthogonal experiment  aqueous enzymatic extraction  oil quality
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