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引用本文:李慧兵,孟凡磊,孟庆立,胡银岗. 国外引进大麦种质的农艺性状初步评价[J]. 西北农业学报, 2013, 22(2): 24-29
作者姓名:李慧兵  孟凡磊  孟庆立  胡银岗
作者单位:(西北农林科技大学 农学院,陕西杨凌 712100)
摘    要:为了丰富国内大麦育种的种质资源,对国外引进的36份大麦种质在陕西杨凌秋播条件下的农艺性状进行调查分析与评价,以促进这些种质资源的合理利用。结果表明:大部分品种生育期适宜、表现弱冬性;株高为中秆和高秆类型,且单株成穗数较高,穗粒数多。从中筛选出一些单一性状优良的材料,其中早熟材料3份,矮杆材料1份,多粒材料27份。相关分析表明:株高与穗下节间长度呈显著正相关,与穗粒数呈正相关,与小穗数、单株成穗数呈负相关,但不显著;单株成穗数与小穗数呈显著正相关,而与穗粒数呈显著负相关。

关 键 词:大麦;种质资源;农艺性状;评价

Preliminary Evaluation of Agronomic Traits of Barley Varieties Introduced Abroad
LI Huibing,MENG Fanlei,MENG Qingli and HU Yingang. Preliminary Evaluation of Agronomic Traits of Barley Varieties Introduced Abroad[J]. Acta Agriculturae Boreali-occidentalis Sinica, 2013, 22(2): 24-29
Authors:LI Huibing  MENG Fanlei  MENG Qingli  HU Yingang
Abstract:In order to enrich barley germplasm resources for barley breeding in China, the agronomic characteristics of 36 barley germplasm introduced from abroad were analyzed and evaluated in Yangling, Shaanxi. The results showed that most accessions of those introduced germplasm displayed the characteristics of suitable growth period, weak winter hardness, and medium high plant height, abundant tillers per plant and high grain number per spike. Some germplasm with good characters were screened, such as 3 early maturing accessions, 1 dwarfing accession and 27 multi kernels accessions. Further correlation analysis indicated that plant height was positively and significantly correlated with peduncle length, and positively correlated with number of kernels per spike, but negatively correlated with number of spikelets per spike and number of spikes per plant insignificantly. Number of spikes per plant was positively and significantly correlated with number of spikelets per spike, but negatively and significantly correlated with number of kernels per spike. These information might promote the proper use of these barley germplasm.
Keywords:Barley   Germplasm   Agronomic traits   Evaluation
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