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引用本文:方树民,陈凤翔,徐松明,林文新. 甘薯抗蔓割病的遗传趋势探讨[J]. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 1997, 0(4)
作者姓名:方树民  陈凤翔  徐松明  林文新
摘    要:对9个甘薯杂交组合实生苗做田间接种鉴定.结果表明,9个家系实生苗对蔓割病抗性有较大的分离,出现不同程度的连续性分布,显示以加性效应为主的遗传特点.亲子间抗性相关测定达到d=0.01的极显著水平,说明F1群体抗性受双亲基因型支配,但正反交反应有异,有明显偏向母性的遗传现象.

关 键 词:甘薯;蔓割病;抗病性;遗传

A preliminary study on inheritance of fusarium wilt resistance of sweet potato cultivars
Abstract:Inoculation identification of the seedlings of nine sweet potato hybridized combinations was carried out in field. The results indicated that they had remarkable segregation in fusarium wilt resistance and continually distributed in different extents and showed genetic characteristics that were mainly composed of additive effects. Correlation tests on resistances between parents and their progenies reached an extremely significant standard (d=0.01), it showed that resistance of F1 generations were dominated by genotypes of parents, but they had genetic differences in reciprocal crosses and tended to be obvious maternal inheritance. 
Keywords:sweet potato  fusarium wilt  resistance  inheritance  
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