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引用本文:张亮亮,汪咏梅,徐曼,吴冬梅,陈笳鸿. 植物单宁化学结构分析方法研究进展[J]. 林产化学与工业, 2012, 32(3): 107-116
作者姓名:张亮亮  汪咏梅  徐曼  吴冬梅  陈笳鸿
作者单位:1. 中国林业科学研究院 林产化学工业研究所; 生物质化学利用国家工程实验室; 国家林业局 林产化学工程重点开放性实验室; 江苏省生物质能源与材料重点实验室 江苏 南京 210042;;2. 中国林业科学研究院 林业新技术研究所 北京 100091
摘    要:植物单宁的各种性质,包括自由基清除能力和蛋白质结合能力等主要取决于其化学结构特别是分子质量的大小(聚合度)。因此对植物单宁化学结构的研究已成为近年来国内外相关研究的热点。本文综述了近10年来,国内外对植物单宁化学结构与分析方法的研究工作新进展。薄层色谱(TLC)和高效液相色谱(HPLC)技术可鉴定样品中所含单宁的结构类型;核磁共振(NMR)及质谱(MS)技术可对植物单宁纯化物进行结构测定;近年来发展起来的基质辅助激光解析离子化飞行时间(MALDI-TOF)质谱技术可对植物单宁混合物进行结构分析,并被证明是一种分析多分散的植物单宁聚合物的理想工具。

关 键 词:植物多酚  植物单宁  化学结构  分析方法  MALDI-TOF MS

Research Progress in Analytical Methods of Vegetable Tannins
ZHANG Liang-liang,WANG Yong-mei,XU Man,WU Dong-mei,CHEN Jia-hong. Research Progress in Analytical Methods of Vegetable Tannins[J]. Chemistry & Industry of Forest Products, 2012, 32(3): 107-116
Authors:ZHANG Liang-liang  WANG Yong-mei  XU Man  WU Dong-mei  CHEN Jia-hong
Affiliation:1(1.Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products,CAF;National Engineering Lab.for Biomass Chemical Utilization;Key and Open Lab.of Forest Chemical Engineering,SFA;Key Lab.of Biomass Energy and Material,Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210042,China;2.Institute of New Technology of Forestry,CAF,Beijing 100091,China)
Abstract:This bioactivity capacity of vegetable tannins,including free radical scavenging activity and protein precipitation capacity are generally recognized to be largely dependent on their structure and particularly molecular weight(degree of polymerization).So the study on structure analysis of vegetable tannins has been paid much attention in recent years.This review deals with the main issues related to the analysis of vegetable tannins in the last 10 years.Thin layer chromatography(TLC) and high performance liquid chromatograph(HPLC) are useful tools to screen samples for the different types of tannins.Nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) and mass spectrometry(MS) are used to identify pure tannin compounds.More recently,MALDI-TOF MS techniques have been developed,which are capable of yielding molecular weights of crude tannin mixtures.MALDI-TOF MS has proved to be highly suitable for the analysis of highly polydisperse and heterogeneous proanthocyanidins.
Keywords:vegetable tannins  chemical structure  analytical methods  MALDI-TOF MS
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