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引用本文:夏先奎. 立体综合防治美国白蛾技术综述[J]. 现代农业科技, 2024, 0(11)
摘    要:本文作者介绍美国白蛾的显著特性及社会危害性,概述了寿县美国白蛾发现过程、分布情况。检疫封锁是源头治理,“飞机防治为主、人工地面防治”相结合的的美国白蛾立体综合防治技术是空中飞机防治和地面人工防治相结合的立体空间全域防治,地面防治和空中防治同时进行,织成一张密密的除虫大网,让美国白蛾无藏身之地,最终彻底消灭美国白蛾。人工地面防治技术是美国白蛾防治技术的重要组成部分,弥补了飞防的不足,空中飞防和人工地面防治有机结合起来,才能做到防治的不漏缝隙,达到“除虫勿净”的目的。以本县美国白蛾防治成功为例,详细阐述了美国白蛾立体综合防治美国白蛾技术。

关 键 词:美国白蛾   防治  技术  综述

Review on Stereoscopic Integrated Control of Hyphantria cunea
Abstract:This paper introduces the remarkable characteristics and social harmfulness of Hyphantria cunea, and summarizes the discovery process and distribution of Hyphantria cunea in Shouxian County.Quarantine blockade is the source of governance, The invention relates to a three-dimensional integrated control technology of Hyphantria cunea, which combines Quarantine blockade is the source of governance. Airplane control and artificial ground control, and is a three-dimensional space global control combining airplane control in the air and artificial ground control. Ground control and aerial control are carried out at the same time, weaving a dense net of insect control, so that Hyphantria cunea has no place to hide, and ultimately completely eliminate Hyphantria cunea.Artificial ground control technology is an important part of Hyphantria cunea control technology, which makes up for the shortcomings of flight control.Only by organically combining air flight control with artificial ground control, can we achieve the goal of eliminating insects without cleaning.Taking the successful control of Hyphantria cunea in this county as an example, the three-dimensional integrated control technology of Hyphantria cunea was described in detail.
Keywords:Hyphantria cunea Prevention and control   The technique  Review
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