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引用本文:王志强,刘淑娥,牛良,樊巍,刘焕晨. 油桃保护地栽培整形修剪方式研究[J]. 果树学报, 1999, 16(3): 185-191
作者姓名:王志强  刘淑娥  牛良  樊巍  刘焕晨
作者单位:1. 中国农业科学院郑州果树研究所,郑州,450009
2. 河南省林科所
3. 郑州市管城区农经委
摘    要:连续3年在保护地高密(610株·667m(-2))栽培条件下,对‘曙光’油桃两种整形方式和“采后去冠”(PostharvestCanopyRemoval,简写作PCR)修剪系统进行了研究。结果表明:(1)与传统的低干开心形相比,圆柱形整枝有利于形成较大面积的叶幕和较大体积的树冠,而且树冠疏松,冠内透光率高。2年生树产量2104.5kg·666.7m(-2),比低于开心形高39.1%,3年生材产量达2318.0km·667m(-2),比开心形高35.3%,且成熟期提早3~4d,外观及内在品质也较好。(2)PCR修剪后60~70d可再生新的树冠,然后,通过喷施PP333和控水、控氮、增磷等综合措施可形成大量饱满花芽。圆柱形整形结合PCR修剪可有效地控势、控冠,促进保护地密植栽培早产、稳产。

关 键 词:油桃  保护地栽培  整形  PCR修剪

Study on the Training System and Pruning of Nectarine in Protected Cultivation
Wang Zhiqiang,Liu Shue,Niu Liang,Fan Wei,Liu Huanchen. Study on the Training System and Pruning of Nectarine in Protected Cultivation[J]. Journal of Fruit Science, 1999, 16(3): 185-191
Authors:Wang Zhiqiang  Liu Shue  Niu Liang  Fan Wei  Liu Huanchen
Abstract:Two training models and PCR(Postharvest Canopy Removal)pruning system of nectarine cv. 'Shuguang' in high-density (9 150 trees' hm-2 ) protected cultivation were studied for three consecutive years. Trees trained to cylinders had the larger leaf area and canopy volume, and the better light conditions in the canopies than those trained to traditional open centers. Two and three-year-old trees yielded 31. 57 and 34. 77 tons·hm-2, 39. 1 % and 35. 3 % higher than those of the open-center trees respectively. Fruit from cylinderic canopies ripened 3~4 days earlier and had more attractive clour and higher quality than those from open-center canopies. Canopy size could be effectively controlled by PCR. A new canopy could be re-formed 60~70 days after PCR pruning. By taking the comprehensive measures including 0. 03% ~0. 05 % paclobutrazol leaf spraying, suitable water stress, limiting N and increasing P supply, a great many of plump floral buds could be developed and good yield could still be attained next year.
Keywords:Nectarine  Protected cultivation  Training  PCR pruning
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