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引用本文:陈晓冰,张洪江,程金花,张福明,张欣,阮芯竹. 基于染色图像变异性分析的优先流程度定量评价[J]. 农业机械学报, 2015, 46(5): 93-100
作者姓名:陈晓冰  张洪江  程金花  张福明  张欣  阮芯竹
作者单位:1. 北京林业大学水土保持学院,北京100083;北京林业大学水土保持与荒漠化防治教育部重点实验室,北京100083
2. 重庆市四面山森林资源管理局,重庆,402296
摘    要:应用统计学样本变异性分析方法,结合形态学图像处理技术,对田间尺度下土壤染色剖面优先流染色区的图像进行变异性分析,评价不同处理条件下农地土壤优先流的发育程度。结果表明:土壤湿润锋渗透速率和土壤染色图像指数(染色面积比、基质流深度、优先流比、长度指数)的变化均表征湿润农地的优先流程度高于干燥农地;将提出的优先流评价方法与土壤染色图像指数进行对比分析,所得结果相一致,表明所提方法可以准确评价土壤优先流发育程度。优先流区图像变异性分析方法简单易行,提高了直观评价染色图像的准确性,能够从统计学和形态学角度来量化分析土壤优先流的发育程度。

关 键 词:农田土壤  优先流程度  染色图像变异性  定量评价

Quantitative Evaluation of Preferential Flow Development Degree Based on Dyed Image Variability Analysis
Chen Xiaobing,Zhang Hongjiang,Cheng Jinhu,Zhang Fuming,Zhang Xin and Ruan Xinzhu. Quantitative Evaluation of Preferential Flow Development Degree Based on Dyed Image Variability Analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery, 2015, 46(5): 93-100
Authors:Chen Xiaobing  Zhang Hongjiang  Cheng Jinhu  Zhang Fuming  Zhang Xin  Ruan Xinzhu
Affiliation:Beijing Forestry University,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing Forestry University,Chongqing Forest Resource Management Bureau of Simian Mountain,Beijing Forestry University and Beijing Forestry University
Abstract:With the purpose of evaluating the development degree of preferential flow under dry and wet farmland in Three Gorges Reservoir Area, the statistical sample variability analysis method and morphological image processing technology were used to analyze variability of the preferential flow areas in the field scale soil profile dyed images. The results showed that soil wetting front infiltration rate and soil dyeing image parameters, including wetting front infiltration rate, dye coverage, uniform infiltration depth, preferential flow fraction and length index, changed in the characterization development degree of preferential flow wet farmlands were higher than those of dry farmlands. The preferential flow evaluation method was proposed according to the comparison with soil dyeing image parameters. The same result showed the accuracy of preferential flow area dyed image variability analysis method to analyze the development degree of preferential flow. The new method is simpler than the others, and can improve the accuracy of the visual evaluation dyed images. It is also better to combine statistics and morphology to quantitatively analyze the development degree of soil preferential flow.
Keywords:Farmland soil  Development degree of preferential flow  Dyed image variability  Quantitative evaluation
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