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引用本文:马忠明,白玉龙,薛亮,杜少平. 不同覆膜栽培方式对旱地土壤水热效应及西瓜产量的影响[J]. 中国农业科学, 2015, 48(3): 514-522. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.03.11
作者姓名:马忠明  白玉龙  薛亮  杜少平
作者单位:甘肃省农业科学院,兰州 30070
摘    要:【目的】西瓜是黄土高原旱地的主要经济作物之一,近年来种植面积逐年扩大。但该区域降水总量不足且时空分布不均,西瓜生产中常遭受前期干旱和后期涝害而导致减产。本研究针对黄土高原旱作区水资源缺乏的现状,采用垄沟种植,改变栽培方式和覆膜方式,探索适宜西瓜生长的集雨高产栽培模式,实现有效汇集天然降水,以改善土壤水热效应,提高西瓜产量。【方法】2011-2013在甘肃省庆阳市宁县太昌乡开展试验,研究不同覆膜栽培方式对旱地土壤水分、土壤温度和西瓜产量的影响。试验设全覆膜垄上播种(RM)、全覆膜垄上沟播(GM)、全覆膜沟播(TG)、半覆膜垄上沟播(GH)和半覆膜垄上播种(RH)5个处理,采用随机区组排列,以RH为对照,3次重复。起垄后垄宽100 cm,沟宽30 cm。垄上沟播处理中,集水沟宽20 cm,深10 cm。采用Stow Away Tidbit Temp Logger测定5、10和15 cm土层土壤温度,烘干法测定0-100 cm土层土壤含水量。种植密度为7 692株/hm2。【结果】土壤含水量的变化受集雨作用和西瓜生长影响。在幼苗期,TG、GM和GH处理0-10 cm土壤含水量分别较RH提高41.41%、37.82和32.69%。伸蔓期TG、RM和GH处理0-40 cm土层土壤含水量分别较RH提高13.91%、10.61%和6.75%,结果期GM和GH处理0-40 cm土壤含水量分别较RH提高8.50%和5.49%。成熟期GM、GH、TG和RM处理0-40 cm土壤含水量分别较RH提高10.51%、10.33%、4.98%和3.66%,土壤储水量由高到低依次为GH>GM>TG>RM>RH。不同处理的温度日变化呈“S”型负正弦曲线,随土壤深度的增加,曲线的振幅减小,相位后移,周期增长。日均温度从大到小依次为RM>RH>GM>TG>GH。土层每加深5 cm,各处理温度日变化曲线相位依次推移1 h。垄上温度均高于垄沟,垄上土壤温度以处理RM最高。不同栽培方式的保温效果从大到小依次为GM>TG>GH>RH>RM。GM处理连续两年产量最高,平均较RH提高10.34%,GH处理3年平均产量较RH提高7.66%,增产幅度依次为GM>GH>RM>TG。GM和GH能够有效富集降雨,增产作用显著。【结论】3年的试验验证了不同覆膜栽培的集雨效果、土壤增温效果和西瓜增产效果,全膜和半膜覆盖垄上沟播模式能够起到集雨增温保墒的作用,可提高西瓜产量。其推广应用可有效提高该区降水资源的高效利用,实现西瓜稳产高产,可作为黄土高原旱地西瓜生产的高效栽培新模式。

关 键 词:西瓜  半干旱区  覆膜栽培  产量  

Effects of Different Plastic Film Mulching Methods on Soil Water and Temperature as well as Watermelon Yield in Loess Dryland
MA Zhong-ming , BAI Yu-long , XUE Liang , DU Shao-ping. Effects of Different Plastic Film Mulching Methods on Soil Water and Temperature as well as Watermelon Yield in Loess Dryland[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2015, 48(3): 514-522. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2015.03.11
Authors:MA Zhong-ming    BAI Yu-long    XUE Liang    DU Shao-ping
Affiliation:Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070
Abstract:【Objective】Watermelon is one of the main cash crops in the semi-arid regions of Loess Plateau and its planting area has been expanding steadily in recent years. However, due to insufficient precipitation and its uneven temporal and spatial distribution, watermelonoften suffers from water stress and waterlogging, resulting in yield reduction. The objectives of this study were to explore rainfall-collection and high-yield cultivation techniques in order to improve soil moisture-thermal conditions by plastic film mulching.【Method】The experiment was implemented in Taichang Township of Ning County, Gansu Province in 2011-2013 with the aim to identify the effects of different cultivation methods on soil water, soil temperature and yield. The trial was a random block design with 3 replications, and 5 treatments which included sowing on beds with full plastic film mulching (RM), furrow sowing on beds with full plastic film mulching (GM), sowing in furrows with full plastic film mulching (TG), furrow sowing on beds with half plastic film mulching (GH), sowing on beds with half plastic film mulching (RH). The bed width was 100 cm with furrow width 30 cm. For GM and GH treatments the width of furrow on top of bed was 20 cm and the depth was 10 cm. Soil moisture in 0-100 cm profile was measured by drying method. Soil temperature was checked by Stow Away Tidbit Temp Logger at the soil layers of 5 cm, 10 cm and 15 cm. The planting density in each treatment was 7 692 plants/hm2.【Result】Soil moisture was affected by collected rainfall and stage of watermelon growth. Compared to RH, soil water contents of TG, GM and GH in 0-10 cm increased by 41.41%, 37.82 and 32.69% at seedling stage, TG, RM and GH in 0-40 cm increased by 13.91%, 10.61% and 6.75% at extension stage, GM and GH in 0-40 cm increased by 8.50% and 5.49% at fruiting stage and GM, GH, TG and RM in 0-40 cm increased by 10.51%, 10.33%, 4.98% and 3.66% at maturing stage, respectively. The sequence of soil water storage was as GH>GM>TG>RM>RH at fruiting stage. The daily variation of soil temperature changed as ‘S’ type negative sine curve, the amplitude decreased, the phase shifted backwards and the cycle extended with soil depth deepened. The sequence of average daily soil temperature was as RM>RH>GM>TG>GH. The time of maximum and minimum daily soil temperature was delayed 1 h as soil depth deepened every 5 cm. Soil temperature of the beds was higher than that of furrow and soil temperature of RM was the highest among all treatments. The sequence of soil temperature increase was as GM>TG>GH>RH>RM. The yield of GM in 2012-2013 was the highest and increased by 10.34% and the yield of GH in 2011-2013 increased by 7.66% compared to RH. The sequence of yield increase was as GM>GH>RM>TG. The function of rainwater collection and yield increase of GM and GH were significantly improved.【Conclusion】The effects of rainfall collection, soil temperature increase and watermelon yield improvement were verified by 3-year study. GM and GH can collect more rainfall, increase soil temperature and promote yield. Application of the techniques can effectively improve the rainfall utilization and achieve stable and higher yields. It can also be used as a highly effective cultivation solution for watermelon production in dryland areas on the Loess Plateau.
Keywords:plastic film mulching cultivation  yield  watermelon  semi-arid area
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