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引用本文:于洁,姜智飞,李彤,周文礼,窦勇,高金伟,贾旭颖. 海河流域下游天津段浮游生物调查研究[J]. 河北渔业, 2016, 0(5): 22-33. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1004-6755.2016.05.007
作者姓名:于洁  姜智飞  李彤  周文礼  窦勇  高金伟  贾旭颖
作者单位:1. 农业部环境及水产品质量监督检验测试中心 天津,天津市水产生态及养殖重点实验室,天津300221;2. 天津农学院水产学院,天津,300384
摘    要:为了研究海河下游天津段浮游生物的分布特征,在海河下游七个区域共设置28个调查站位,于2013年5月、7月、9月对各站位表层水体的浮游动植物丰度、生物量进行采样调查和分析。调查期间共发现浮游植物117种,浮游动物20种,浮游植物的平均丰度为8.145×104cells/L,主要优势种为蓝纤维藻(Dactylococcopsis)、颤藻(Oscillatoria)、四尾栅藻(Scenedesmus quadricauda(Turp.)de Bréb)、纤维藻(Ankistrodesmus),以蓝、绿藻为主;浮游动物的平均丰度为7.679×104 ind/L,主要优势种为近邻剑水蚤(Cyclops vicinus)、短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum(Liévin,))、萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus calyciflorus)。

关 键 词:海河下游  浮游动物  浮游植物  生物量

Research on Plankton in Tianjin Section of Downstream of Hailhe River
Abstract:In order to study the haihe river downstream distribution characteristic of tianjin section of plankton , seven in the haihe river downstream region a total of 28 set survey stance ,in May 2013 ,July ,September to a surface water floating plants and animals of every abundance ,biomass of sampling investigation and analysis . Were found during the survey period and 117 kinds of phytoplankton ,zooplankton 20 kinds ,phytoplankton a‐bundance to an average of 8 .145 × 104 cells/L , The main dominant 1species:Dactylococcopsis、Oscillatoria、Scenedesmus quadricauda(Turp .)de Bréb、Ankistrodesmus ,give priority to with blue and green algae .Zooplank‐ton abundance to an average of 7 .679 × 104 ind/L ,The main dominant species Cyclops vicinus、Diaphanosoma brachyurum(Liévin,)、Brachionus calyci f lorus .
Keywords:Haihe river downstream  zooplankton  phytoplankton  biomass
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