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Review on estimation of evapotranspiration from remote sensing data: From empirical to numerical modeling approaches
Authors:Dominique Courault  Bernard Seguin  Albert Olioso
Affiliation:(1) Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, unité Climat-Sol-Environnement, Domaine St Paul, batiment Climat, site Agroparc, 84914 AVIGNON, cedex 9, France
Abstract:Different methods have been developed to estimate evapotranspiration from remote sensing data, from empirical approaches such as the simplified relationship to complex methods based on remote sensing data assimilation along with SVAT models. The simplified relationship has been applied from small spatial scale using airborne TIR images to continental scale with NOAA data. Assimilation procedures often require remote sensing data over different spectral domains to retrieve input parameters which characterize surface properties such as albedo, emissivity or Leaf Area Index. A brief review of these different approaches is presented, with a discussion about the main physical bases and assumptions of various models. The paper reports also some examples and results obtained over the experimental area of the Alpilles Reseda project, where various types of models have been applied to estimate surface fluxes from remote sensing data.
Keywords:evapotranspiration  operational application  remote sensing  simplified model  SVAT model
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