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引用本文:何新华,陈力耕,郭长禄. 硫和钴在杨梅植株体内的分布及对生长的影响[J]. 园艺学报, 2004, 31(5): 641-643
作者姓名:何新华  陈力耕  郭长禄
作者单位:( 浙江大学农业部园艺植物生长发育与生物技术重点开放实验室, 杭州310029 ; 广西大学园艺系, 南宁530004)
基金项目:浙江省自然科学基金项目 (3 0 2 3 62 )
摘    要: 杨梅对硫有较强的吸收能力, 3 年生‘东魁’杨梅定植一年后, 在未施任何肥料的情况下,使土壤含硫量下降了37.7 %。杨梅吸收硫主要积累在叶片和根瘤中, 叶片和根瘤中的含硫量是根的2 倍左右。杨梅吸收钴主要积累在根瘤和根中, 根瘤和根中钴含量是叶片的4.88 和4.48 倍。每株施硫酸钴15 和30 mg 能促进杨梅对硫和钴的吸收利用, 且硫和钴优先向根瘤运输和积累; 根瘤和叶片含硫量分别是根系含硫量的3.38~4.58 倍和2.75~3.72 倍, 根瘤含硫量又是叶片含硫量的1.23 倍; 根瘤含钴量分别是根和叶的1.39~1.90 倍和3.53~4.55 倍。每株施硫酸钴15 和30 mg , 能显著增加杨梅植株的生物量、株高、根瘤量和固氮酶活性, 且根瘤的固氮酶活性是对照的8~18.35 倍。提出硫元素与Frankia 放线菌的共生固氮有关, 有利于根瘤形成和固氮。

关 键 词:杨梅      分布  生长

Distribution and Effect of Sulphur and Cobalt in Myrica rubra Sieb.et Zucc
He Xinhua ,,Chen Ligeng,and Guo Changlu. Distribution and Effect of Sulphur and Cobalt in Myrica rubra Sieb.et Zucc[J]. Acta Horticulturae Sinica, 2004, 31(5): 641-643
Authors:He Xinhua     Chen Ligeng  and Guo Changlu
Affiliation:( Key L aboratory of Minist ry of A griculture f or Growth Development and Biotechnology of Horticultural Plant , Zhejiang University , Hangzhou 310029 , China ; Department of Horticulture , Guangxi University , Nanning 530004 , China )
Abstract:Sulphur contents of soil where three years old Myrica rubra trees were planted for one year without the application of fertilizers decreased by 37.7% indicating that there is a st ronger capability of S absorption in this plant which is mainly accumulated in leaves and root nodules. It has been observed thatsulphur contents in leaves or root nodules is about two times as much as that of roots. That cobalt contents in root nodules and roots are 4.88 and 4.48 times as much as that of leaves respectively showed that cobalt is mainly accumulated in root nodules and root s of M. rubra. Below 30 mg CoSO4·7H2O per tree , sulphur or cobalt can be preferentially transported and accumulated into root nodules. Sulphur content s in root nodules and in leaves were 3.38 - 4.58 times and 2.75 - 3.72 times as much as that of roots respectively,Moreover sulphur contents in root nodules were 1.23 times as much as that of leaves. Similarly , when CoSO4·7H2O below 30 mg per tree was used , cobalt contents in root nodules were 1.39 - 1.90 and 3.53-4.55 times as much as that of roots and leaves respectively. When CoSO4·7H2O below 30 mg per tree was used , biomass , tree height , amount of root nodules and nit rogenase activities of M. rubra were increased remarkably and nitrogenase activities of root nodules in treatment were 8-18.35 times as much as that of control. A hypothesis is put forward that sulphur may have relation to symbiotic nitrogen fixation of Frankia and can promote formation of root nodules and nit rogen fixation.
Keywords:Myrica rubra  Sulphur  Cobalt  Distribution  Growth
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