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Effect of temperature on the expression of cytoplasmic male sterility in cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Authors:Adel H. Abdel‐Ghani  Felix P. Frey  Heiko K. Parzies
Affiliation:1. Mu'tah University/Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Plant Production, , Karak, Jordan;2. Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, , D‐50829 Cologne, Germany;3. University of Hohenheim, Institute of Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Population Genetics, , D‐70593 Stuttgart, Germany
Abstract:Twenty‐three cytoplasmic male sterile BC1F1 barley lines were exposed to varying temperature treatments (TTs) to examine the effect of temperature on the stability of the expression of cytoplasmic male sterility (cms). The TTs used for this test were: (i) controlled low‐temperature treatment of 16°C (CL), (ii) controlled medium‐temperature treatment of 21–24/16–17°C day/night (CM) and (iii) ambient glasshouse‐temperature treatment of 24–41/16–17°C day/night (AG). The expression of cms was found to be variably influenced by temperature and by the genetic background of the cms recipient lines. Ten cms lines exhibited consistently complete male sterility over TTs, indicating that these lines are completely under cms genes control, while other lines showed partial revision to fertility across different TTs with profound influence of warm temperatures (CM and AG) in breaking down the cms in barley.
Keywords:Barley     Hordeum vulgare     cytoplasmic male sterility  temperature
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